Simple-Calendar copied to clipboard
auto sync not working in samsung note4 with android 6.0.1
Hi there,
Not sure since when this is happening because I have been using simple calendar for a while, but not very seriously until now. As stated I'm using android 6.0.1 in a samsung note 4.
The issue happens with my google calendar and with another caldav nextcloud which is synched by davx5.
When I create or update events from the desktop, the calendar in "simple calendar" doesn auto-sync, the widget doesn't present the changes automatically either. I played with the synching frequency in davx5, trying every 15mins. The dav calendar gets updated, but "simple calendar" doesn't seem to see it. So I don't get the right reminders.
The only way to solve it is to get in the app and refresh the dav calendars manually. That works perfectly, but not ideal to have to remember to refresh the phone every time I make changes in the desktop... It is definitely something related with "simple calendar" because I have tried with two other calendars and they work perfectly without having to manually refresh.
I'm using another open source calendar for the moment but it is too bad because I much prefer your apps and I have been a loyal supporter from the beginning.
The whole "simple", open source, privacy respecting idea is great, thanks for the hard work!
what Simple Calendar app version are you using?
I tried both the 6.5.1(pro) and 5.1.3 versions and they both failed to auto "refresh". The davx5 and google synching of the calendars wasn't the problem, it's just the app not refreshing them if that makes any sense... Is this something that works for the majority of people?
ye, as far as I know refreshing works just fine to the vast majority of people
I'm on 6.23.1 and just refreshed manually - and had a bunch of events appear. There doesn't seem to be an option to turn on auto-refresh so I assume its supposed to be doing that already. But it doesn't seem to be happening without manual sync.