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Cloning Refactor
Since Cloning code is effectively abandonware by it's original codeowners, and I was the last person in this entire game to update it, I am technically the codeowner of Cloning. And by extension, it's also my responsibility to maintain the Cloning code. I've been putting this off for awhile due to how busy I've been with other projects, but since I'm now waiting on all my other refactors to be reviewed, I decided to finally sit down and comprehensively refactor Cloning.
In addition to massive substantial code cleanup(Cloning machines no longer run on Frametime for one!), here's most of the changes.
- Cloning Pods must be powered for the entire 30 second duration of the cloning process.
- Said "30 second duration" is no longer hardcoded. Although no methods currently exist to reduce it. I plan on revisiting this after I bring back Machine Upgrading.
- Cloning can now FAIL partway through. If the cloning pod is Depowered, Unanchored, or Emagged, it will automatically swap to the "Gore" state.
- When in a Gore state, Cloning Pods will destroy the entity they were trying to clone, replacing them with a pool of blood and ammonia that scales with the mass of the entity that was to be cloned!
- Clones come out of the pod with a significant quantity of Cellular damage, and are almost always in need of resuscitation. Consider using Cryogenics to "Finish" your clones. Doxarubixadone is literally named after this process, and is a perfectly suitable cryo chem for resuscitating clones.
New gore sprites for the Metem machine, because it can now have gore mode.
- add: Cloning & Metempsychosis Machines have been refactored!
- add: Cloning can now fail at any point during the cloning process, turning the would-be clone into a soup of blood and ammonia.
- add: "Clone Soup" scales directly with the mass of the entity you're attempting to clone. Fail to clone a Lamia, and you'll be greeted with an Olympic swimming pool worth of blood when the machine opens.
- add: Cloning will fail if at any point during the procedure, the machine is depowered, unanchored, or emagged.
- add: Clones come out of the machine with severe Cellular damage. Consider using Doxarubixadone in a Cryo tube as an affordable means of "Finishing" clones.
- tweak: Cloning Time is now increased proportionally if an entity being cloned is larger than a standard human(smaller entities are unchanged)
- tweak: The cost to clone an entity can now be configured on a per-server basis via CCVar "cloning.biomass_cost_multiplier"
- tweak: The Biomass Reclaimer can now be toggled to round-remove ensouled bodies or not via CCVar "cloning.reclaim_souled_bodies"
- add: The effects of Metempsychosis now scale with a Psion's relevant caster stats. More powerful psychics are more likely to get favorable results from being forcibly reincarnated.