
Results 33 comments of Simon

I tried the demo with your changes, settings the CupertinoNavigationBar to black. Theoretically it should turn into a dark gray correct? Similar to mail app in dark mode when composing...

Ok, the magic was making use of `CupertinoTheme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor`. One thing, it seems like the color animation isn't working?

It seems like that the animation doesn't work. I assume it's due to the changing context during the animation but can't say for sure. I added a scaffoldBackgroundColor as a...

As @nohli mentioned, the solution is to use: It's not an issue related to this repository, it's a general issue.

We had the same issue and resolved it by removing a light background color. Make sure there is no underlying light background somewhere.

Did you check the example? It says `\p{Emoji} matches any characters in the Emoji script`

@wurstmeister is there a possible fix coming?

+1, this is an important feature

Is this still considered to be merged at some point?