Simon (Darkside) Jackson

Results 120 issues of Simon (Darkside) Jackson

Given the frequency of Unity builds appearing sometimes, it takes a lot of time to keep the build server up to date ahead of development. It would be great to...

I was under the impression the Carousel was a larger block area that rotated through all posts with the #carousel internal tag. Was I mistaken or is this area of...

When cloning this sample and running "docfx documentation\docfx.json --serve", the generated site does not resemble what is shown on the example github pages site. This seems to be because the...

MonoGame 3.8.1 is due for release soon. Reminder to update the samples that have already been upgraded to MonoGame when it is released.

## Describe the problem There are far too many stale branches that have been sitting around for years in the repository, making exploring branches for future features very difficult. ##...

Branch Management

## Describe the issue We ran in to some very odd issues with the MRTK UX, to the point where null reference exceptions where appearing sporadically as the UI was...

UX Controls

## Describe the issue The SDK library contained with the MRTK UX Components package are not in an organised fashion to make it obvious to designers to build screens with,...


Looking to update NuGet packaging for MonoGame and the last platform is PSMobile. However even the latest version of PSMStudio is only based on MonoDevelop 2.6. Is there any chance...

Any plans to update the Moondust to the latest sources for the Interaction system and SteamVR?

Tested the MeshVisualization scene today and it did not work on Android. The documentation on the homepage makes it clear the Fog sample is iOS only, but it would appear...