GLPlot.jl copied to clipboard
GLPlot installation doesn't work out
Hi Simon,
I've tried to installed GLPlot on my Macbook. Several tries but always the same error when running
ERROR: lift
has no method matching lift(::Function, ::Type{Vector2{Float64}}, ::Input{Vector2{Float64}}, ::Input{Vector4{Int64}})
in createwindow at /Users/Max/.julia/v0.3/GLWindow/src/reactglfw.jl:359
in createdisplay at /Users/Max/.julia/v0.3/GLPlot/src/GLPlot.jl:51
in include at /Applications/
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at /Applications/
in _start at /Applications/
while loading /Users/Max/.julia/v0.3/GLPlot/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 3
I'm running Julia 0.3.8 on my Macbook with OS X Yosemite. cmake is installed. I've tried to install GLPlot on two ways:
Pkg.add("GLPlot") and Pkg.clone("").
Neither of them worked out for me. Seems to me like there is a problem with Reactive.jl so i opened a Issue there. But wanted to leave that here anyway. Maybe you know a quick fix / workaround for me?
Thank you
Hi Max, would you be willing to run 0.4? If yes you could be one of the first testers of GLVisualize! I just tested everything on Windows and Ubuntu and it should work relatively smooth... If you're interested let me know. I know at least one Mac OS specific issue I'd need to fix before you can try this out. (is a very small thing) The issue you're having is due to an API change in Reactive. You can try to check out a version before that (should be like 2-3 commits ago).
Best, Simon
Probably more than 2-3 commits... I'm not sure which exactly, but looks promising.
Ok i will try this version of Reactive. ...yeah sure i would test GLVisualize on Julia 0.4.0. Just let me know when you're ready.
Greetings Max
Cool! Well just run the install script and see how it goes: I will soon rip out everything from GLPlot, as all the rendering should be done by GLVisualize in the future (GLVisualize is basically GLPlot, but with all the new features I've come up in the last months). This is a step to decouple the plotting interface from the rendering interface.
Best, Simon
This hack seems to work by wrapping the old Reactive API in the new one:
import Reactive.lift
lift(f::Function, output_type::Type, inputs...; kwargs...) =
lift(f, map(signal, inputs)...; typ=output_type, kwargs...)