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Segfault when doing keyboard interrupt in REPL

Open kdheepak opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

I have a Package with the following code:

module PackageFoo
using Observables
using Observables: to_value, AbstractObservable
using JSServe
using JSServe: evaljs, onjs, onload, Table, Server
import Tables
import JSServe: jsrender
using JSServe, WGLMakie
using GeometryBasics
using FileIO
using JSServe: @js_str, onjs, App, Slider
using JSServe.DOM
import JSServe.TailwindDashboard as D

const SERVER = Ref{Any}(nothing)

function main(; port::Int=4269, hold=true, verbose=false)
  SERVER[] isa Server && close(SERVER[])

  app = App() do session::Session
    s1 = Slider(1:100)
    s2 = Slider(1:100)
    b = Button("hi")
    t = TextField("enter your text")
    s_value = s1.value
    linkjs(session, s1.value, s2.value)
    test = [1, 2, 3]
    onjs(session, s1.value, js"(v)=> console.log(v + ' ' + $(test))")
    on(t) do text
    return DOM.div(s1, s2, b, t)

  SERVER[] = Server(app, "", port; verbose)
  # hold && browser("http://localhost:$port")
  hold && wait(SERVER[])

If I add an examples/serve.jl with the following code:

using PackageFoo

And run it and Ctrl + C, I don't get any error.

However, if I run it from the command line like

julia --project -e "using PackageFoo; PackageFoo.main()"

or if I open a julia REPL and run the using PackageFoo; PackageFoo.main(); then it still runs fine however when I hit Ctrl + C I get a segfault sometimes and I get an error other times.

Here's the error:

$ julia -e "using PackageFoo; PackageFoo.main()"
[ Info: Listening on:, thread id: 1
[ Info: Server on closing
ERROR: TaskFailedException
 [1] wait(t::Task)
   @ Base .\task.jl:349
 [2] wait(server::JSServe.HTTPServer.Server)
   @ JSServe.HTTPServer C:\Users\USERNAME\.julia\packages\JSServe\h2asi\src\HTTPServer\implementation.jl:302
 [3] main(; port::Int64, hold::Bool, verbose::Bool)
   @ PackageFoo C:\Users\USERNAME\gitrepos\PackageFoo\src\PackageFoo.jl:75
 [4] main()
   @ PackageFoo C:\Users\USERNAME\gitrepos\PackageFoo\src\PackageFoo.jl:48
 [5] top-level scope
   @ none:1

    nested task error: InterruptException:
     [1] poptask(W::Base.IntrusiveLinkedListSynchronized{Task})
       @ Base .\task.jl:974
     [2] wait()
       @ Base .\task.jl:983
     [3] wait(c::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock}; first::Bool)
       @ Base .\condition.jl:130
     [4] wait(c::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock})
       @ Base .\condition.jl:125
     [5] _wait(t::Task)
       @ Base .\task.jl:308
     [6] wait
       @ .\task.jl:347 [inlined]
     [7] wait
       @ C:\Users\USERNAME\.julia\packages\HTTP\SN7VW\src\Servers.jl:125 [inlined]
     [8] macro expansion
       @ C:\Users\USERNAME\.julia\packages\JSServe\h2asi\src\HTTPServer\implementation.jl:287 [inlined]
     [9] (::JSServe.HTTPServer.var"#28#30"{Bool, JSServe.HTTPServer.Server, HTTP.Servers.Listener{Nothing, Sockets.TCPServer}})()
       @ JSServe.HTTPServer .\task.jl:514

I'm not able to reproduce the segfault at the moment but I can update this issue with the segfault stacktrace when I do.

Is this expected?

kdheepak avatar Oct 25 '23 19:10 kdheepak

I relatively sure that this is a HTTP/Julia issue. Could be wrong, but the stacktrace certainly points to it. You can call close(server) so maybe you can do some different wait loop than wait(SERVER)?

SimonDanisch avatar Oct 26 '23 09:10 SimonDanisch