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Segfault when doing keyboard interrupt in REPL
I have a Package with the following code:
module PackageFoo
using Observables
using Observables: to_value, AbstractObservable
using JSServe
using JSServe: evaljs, onjs, onload, Table, Server
import Tables
import JSServe: jsrender
using JSServe, WGLMakie
using GeometryBasics
using FileIO
using JSServe: @js_str, onjs, App, Slider
using JSServe.DOM
import JSServe.TailwindDashboard as D
const SERVER = Ref{Any}(nothing)
function main(; port::Int=4269, hold=true, verbose=false)
SERVER[] isa Server && close(SERVER[])
app = App() do session::Session
s1 = Slider(1:100)
s2 = Slider(1:100)
b = Button("hi")
t = TextField("enter your text")
s_value = s1.value
linkjs(session, s1.value, s2.value)
test = [1, 2, 3]
onjs(session, s1.value, js"(v)=> console.log(v + ' ' + $(test))")
on(t) do text
return DOM.div(s1, s2, b, t)
SERVER[] = Server(app, "", port; verbose)
# hold && browser("http://localhost:$port")
hold && wait(SERVER[])
If I add an examples/serve.jl
with the following code:
using PackageFoo
And run it and Ctrl + C
, I don't get any error.
However, if I run it from the command line like
julia --project -e "using PackageFoo; PackageFoo.main()"
or if I open a julia REPL and run the using PackageFoo; PackageFoo.main()
; then it still runs fine however when I hit Ctrl + C
I get a segfault sometimes and I get an error other times.
Here's the error:
$ julia -e "using PackageFoo; PackageFoo.main()"
[ Info: Listening on:, thread id: 1
[ Info: Server on closing
ERROR: TaskFailedException
[1] wait(t::Task)
@ Base .\task.jl:349
[2] wait(server::JSServe.HTTPServer.Server)
@ JSServe.HTTPServer C:\Users\USERNAME\.julia\packages\JSServe\h2asi\src\HTTPServer\implementation.jl:302
[3] main(; port::Int64, hold::Bool, verbose::Bool)
@ PackageFoo C:\Users\USERNAME\gitrepos\PackageFoo\src\PackageFoo.jl:75
[4] main()
@ PackageFoo C:\Users\USERNAME\gitrepos\PackageFoo\src\PackageFoo.jl:48
[5] top-level scope
@ none:1
nested task error: InterruptException:
[1] poptask(W::Base.IntrusiveLinkedListSynchronized{Task})
@ Base .\task.jl:974
[2] wait()
@ Base .\task.jl:983
[3] wait(c::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock}; first::Bool)
@ Base .\condition.jl:130
[4] wait(c::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock})
@ Base .\condition.jl:125
[5] _wait(t::Task)
@ Base .\task.jl:308
[6] wait
@ .\task.jl:347 [inlined]
[7] wait
@ C:\Users\USERNAME\.julia\packages\HTTP\SN7VW\src\Servers.jl:125 [inlined]
[8] macro expansion
@ C:\Users\USERNAME\.julia\packages\JSServe\h2asi\src\HTTPServer\implementation.jl:287 [inlined]
[9] (::JSServe.HTTPServer.var"#28#30"{Bool, JSServe.HTTPServer.Server, HTTP.Servers.Listener{Nothing, Sockets.TCPServer}})()
@ JSServe.HTTPServer .\task.jl:514
I'm not able to reproduce the segfault at the moment but I can update this issue with the segfault stacktrace when I do.
Is this expected?
I relatively sure that this is a HTTP/Julia issue.
Could be wrong, but the stacktrace certainly points to it.
You can call close(server)
so maybe you can do some different wait loop than wait(SERVER)