audio_waveforms copied to clipboard
How to listen to the audio while it's paused like WhatsApp?
I want the user to listen to the audio without stopping the recording only pausing it so that he can continue recording.
You can do it by calling recorderController.pause()
whenever user taps to play the audio and whenever you pause/stop the playing audio then you call recorderController.record()
again recording will start where it left of. All parameter for record are ignored if called after pausing.
If this doesn't resolve your issue please provide your implementation so that we can help you.
I want to listen to the same audio while recording it, if it paused
I already do this but it started a new record every time. Here is my code
final appDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final path = "${appDirectory.path}/recording.m4a";
final controller = await RecorderController().record(path:path);
then calling to pause
or controller.stop(false);
then initialize the player controller
final player = PlayerController();
await player.preparePlayer( path: path ?? '', volume: 1, noOfSamples: 40,);
then start recording again
@ujas-m-simformsolutions is there any update?
Right now it's not possible. Putting it under enhancement.