md-date-time copied to clipboard
Hi All.
I know I've let this one slide A LOT over the past while, due to job changes and such interferences. But happily my work has been in need of a good date-time-picker (we like to show off our own work).
I'm looking at building a v2 and would like some help from someone who will be actively in the Angular-Material side of things (contributer level permissions will be given). While my work is currently using Angular-Material, we are removing it going forward in favour of Bootstrap 4. So my list of things for the v2 (and considering the mdDateTime may become an issue with Angular-Materials namespacing in the future).
- md-date-time becomes sc-date-time. Directive names stay the same, bower and library name changes.
- Theme Option. 2 templates, one for bootstrap, one for material (example see ui-select's themes)
- #17, #21, #13 Definitely should be in #11 and #9 aren't forgotten about, but look like they will need quite a bit of work to do, though I would very much like them both to happen.
I have done points 1 - 3 and new site is up over at Will go through and transfer issues now.
All issues migrated over. Work now on the other repo. Leaving this here for future reference.