Dmitrii Kustov
Dmitrii Kustov
It is a nice collection as well, but it may not be as convenient to use with Device Detector. I've added a sample code to readme of my repository.
Maybe then both should be mentioned in README for Device Detector?
I've encountered this during setup on a test environment. If everything goes as planned I may be able to promote it to PROD this weekend and will share link. Even...
I was able to promote to PROD a small portion, which utilizes the header in question: `cache-control: max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=1800, stale-if-error=1800, no-transform` Please, note, that there seems to be a...
It's no longer a "custom" page: whole site now should be providing these headers. I am specifically coding some functions in to allow easier standardization of headers on a...
@fahensha actually my is already providing the necessary headers (you can use whatever page there). As for creating a page... I guess I'll add something to readme, but in...
`stale-while-revalidate` got adopted by Chrome and Firefox, so that should definitely be supported now. `stale-if-error` while not supported, yet, should not be "breaking" anything as well. I mean, if a...
I've been having slowness (and freezes) during recheck (forced or after download is completed) for a very long time now, I think from earlier than 4.4 builds even. Right now...
I guess that would be another reason for new major version added to the list in #7544
I would wonder what is the original source of the icons. And also where other icons are? On which page can you see the screenshot you've shared? Is it something...