TiktokClone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TiktokClone copied to clipboard

TIKTOK Clone React Native Tutorial 2021 👨‍💻 I'll show you how you can do this in the simplest way and terms possible. By the end of this series you'll have learned how the big companies do it and...

Results 4 TiktokClone issues
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in theory, based on this, is it possible to create an account registrar with the ability to interact with live users?

![Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 13 mini](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101747871/158675726-997cbde7-af8d-427b-a8db-77c072c738c7.png) I am having this issue with the useChats hook. Any ideas on how to solve?

What the terminal says when I try to bring a video into the application I'm making is that Do you have a screen named "savePost" This is where I am...

I'm getting uninitialized values. Needs refactoring to remove the need for a cycle. Require cycle: src\screens\profile\index.js -> src\navigation\feed\index.js -> src\screens\profile\index.js