InstagramClone copied to clipboard
Unhandled Rejection: snapshot.query.EP is undefined
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const uid = snapshot..query.C.path.segments[1]; For me the path was different from the one in the tutorial, so try this it might help
A potential solution is to use:
const uid =[0].ref.path.split('/')[1];
and put that line^ and the rest of the code in that function in a try catch block. The line above will throw an error if there is no documents (posts), so for users where this throws an error, just catch, and do nothing since its pointless to get the posts of a user with no posts.
I think you should console.log(snapshot) for yourself and try to find the segments data based on the console.log, the snapshot data might be different because firebase might update their way to display the snapshot. For my part i was able to retrieve the data from snapshot..query.C.path.segments[1];
I'm facing the same issue when fetching userlikes (((snapshot.ZE.path.segments[3];))))), any solutions???
A potential solution is to use:
const uid =[0].ref.path.split('/')[1];
and put that line^ and the rest of the code in that function in a try catch block. The line above will throw an error if there is no documents (posts), so for users where this throws an error, just catch, and do nothing since its pointless to get the posts of a user with no posts.
This worked for me when fetching user posts, any solution for user likes instead of snapshot.ZE.path.segments[3] ???
What does _C_
(I tried googling before posting).