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BulkStrike enables the usage of CrowdStrike Real Time Response (RTR) to bulk execute commands on multiple machines.


BulkStrike enables the usage of CrowdStrike Real Time Response (RTR) to bulk collect artifacts from multiple machines.


None if using release executable. Else, refer to requirements.txt


  • From CrowdStrike Falcon web console, click on Support | API Clients and Keys
  • Add new API client and ensure at least the following API Scopes
    • Hosts - Read
    • Real time response - Read and Write
  • It is recommended to also have Write scope for Real time response (admin) otherwise some RTR commands (e.g. put) will not execute
  • Input your Client ID and Secret via bulk_strike configure
  • Request for an Authentication Token via bulk_strike req_token
  • Start using BulkStrike!
  • More help available via bulk_stike -h
usage: bulk_strike.py [-h] [-c CLOUDREQID] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-f FILE] [-i ID]
                      [-p PERMISSION] [-q QSESSIONID] [-s HOST] [--log]

BulkStrike enables the usage of CrowdStrike Real Time Response (RTR) to bulk execute commands on multiple machines.

positional arguments:
  action                                Req Arguments              Description
                        configure       NIL                        provide CrowdStrike Client ID, Secret and API server.
                        req_token       NIL                        request for CrowdStrike authentication token.
                        get_info        -s or -f [--log]           get system info of provided host id or hostname.
                        get_logins      -s or -f [--log] [--clean] get recent logins of provided host ids.
                        list_files      NIL                        list basic info of all RTR response files on CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        get_file        -i                         get detailed info of a RTR response file on CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        upload_file     -f and -d                  upload a RTR response file to CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        delete_file     -i                         delete a RTR response file from CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        list_scripts    NIL                        list basic info of all RTR response files on CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        get_script      -i                         get detailed info of a RTR response file on CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        upload_script   -f and -p [-d]             upload a RTR response file to CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        delete_script   -i                         delete a RTR response file from CrowdStrike Cloud.
                        start_rtr       -s or -f [--log] [--queue] initialise rtr session on specified hosts.
                        get_qsessions   NIL                        get session ids of RTR sessions that had commands queued.
                        get_qsess_data  NIL [--log]                get metadata of RTR sessions that had commands queued.
                        del_qsession    -q                         delete a currently queued RTR session.
                        del_qsess_cmd   -q and -c                  delete a currently queued RTR session command.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CLOUDREQID, --cloudreqid CLOUDREQID
                        cloud request id of currently queued RTR session command
                        description of RTR response file or script
  -f FILE, --file FILE  path of file containing host ids or hostnames
  -i ID, --id ID        id of RTR response file or script
  -p PERMISSION, --permission PERMISSION
                        permission of RTR response script (private, group, public)
  -q QSESSIONID, --qsessionid QSESSIONID
                        session id of currently queued RTR session
  -s HOST, --host HOST  host id or hostname
  --log                 write raw server response to tsv file in current working directory
  --queue               queue commands to offline hosts
  --clean               exclude less important details from output


Future Work

  1. Create parallel thread to keep RTR session alive
  2. Download retrieved file (via get file) to local disk
  3. ~~Retry the initiating/starting of RTR session to offline host until it comes online~~


Demisto's CrowdStrikeFalcon Integrations code