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Direflow re-build on the fly to file
We use direflow in a very specific way in our project. Currently we are during migration legacy code to new react code. We use a strangler pattern, so currently, the new code is a dependency to the old repository.
I opaqued it both in the docker and docker-compose containers, which syncs direflowBundle.js
built on watcher. Because legacy application loads the direflowBundle I can't use provided developement server.
Is it possible to run the server with auto-rebuild to direflowBundle.js instead of syncing with the browser?
Hi @lduraj90 ,
One thing you can try is to tell the webpack dev server to write the file to disk instead of the default of keeping it in memory.
In your config-overrides.js:
devServer: (configFunction) => {
return (proxy, allowedHost) => {
const config = configFunction(proxy, allowedHost);
config.writeToDisk = true;
return config;