
Results 6 issues of Silentssss

I cant download KsponSpeech dataset on AIHhub net. Can you teach me how to download, thanks!

![1695629181138]( 在修改完8P后出现以上报错,于是我在网上寻找解决办法,发现反向传播时没有设置loss.requires_grad_(True),于是在以下地方添加了改代码: ![image]( 修改完后虽然可以跑通,但是loss却一直不收敛,如下图,请问有什么解决办法可以跑8P并使其收敛,不然训练步数太多,单P跑的太久了: ![image](

我使用ucf101数据集先训练了1个epoch,得到的loss曲线是这样的,非常不平滑,请问这是正常的吗,下面是我的结果和训练参数: `torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=8 \ --model VDiT-XL/1x2x2 \ --use_video \ --data_path preprocess/ucf101_train.csv \ --batch_size 1 \ --num_frames 16 \ --image_size 256 \ --frame_interval 3 \ --epochs 1` ![image](

你好,有个flash-atten的问题想请教下,当我想使能flash-attn时,我发现以下图1的逻辑根本走不进去,为此我打印了self.using_flash、attn_bias、qkv.dtype,最后发现attn_bias一直不是None(图2) 图1: ![image]( 图2: ![image]( 于是我将代码修改成以下逻辑: `using_flash = self.using_flash and attn_bias is None and qkv.dtype != torch.float32` 修改为 `using_flash = self.using_flash and qkv.dtype != torch.float32` `assert attn_bias is None and...

![image]( ![image]( I have installed pynd==0.3.6,why report this error?please

![image]( Hello,vg images link is invalid. Could you tell me how to download it?