Templater copied to clipboard
Daily quote is broken - here's a user script alternative
Plugin information (please complete the following information):
- OS: Mac OS X montery
- Templater version: 1.16.0
- Obsidian version: 1.1.2
Describe the bug Seems like that api.quoteable.io has been taken down, which causes the daily quote by templater to break.
Expected behavior it should generate daily quote.
Additional context
I've created a user script that gets the quote from brainyquote site instead, for those who can't wait for the fix on templater or for api.quoteable to work, you can use the following script.
copy the below code, and put it in the scripts folder as quote.js
async function quote(value, tp, doc) {
let url = 'https://www.brainyquote.com/quote_of_the_day';
if (doc === undefined) {
let page = await tp.obsidian.request(url);
let p = new DOMParser();
doc = p.parseFromString(page, "text/html");
// Alias for querySelector
let $ = (s) => doc.querySelector(s);
switch (value) {
case "daily":
return (
$(".qotd-wrapper-cntr div a div")?.textContent.trim() ||
case "author":
return (
$(".qotd-wrapper-cntr div .bq-aut")?.textContent.trim() ||
new Notice("Incorrect parameter: " + value, 5000);
module. Exports = quote;
and to generate the quote - use the following in your daily note template
> [!quote] <% tp.user.quote('daily', tp) %> ~ <% tp.user.quote('author', tp) %>
api.quoteable.io worked until few days ago, now no response at all.
Your script works. Thank you. There is a small typing error module. Exports = quote;
should be without space module.Exports = quote;
To keep the format of the previous quote command:
async function quote(tp, doc) {
let url = 'https://www.brainyquote.com/quote_of_the_day';
if (doc === undefined) {
let page = await tp.obsidian.request(url);
let p = new DOMParser();
doc = p.parseFromString(page, "text/html");
// Alias for querySelector
let $ = (s) => doc.querySelector(s);
const author = $(".qotd-wrapper-cntr div .bq-aut")?.textContent?.trim() || "author";
const quot = $(".qotd-wrapper-cntr div a div")?.textContent?.trim() || "quote";
return `
> ${quot}
> — <cite>${author}</cite>
module.exports = quote;
It seems api.quoteable.io
still got certification problem.
curl https://api.quotable.io/random
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
it only works when allowing insecure server
is working for me. This ticket can probably be closed
is having DNS resolution issues (since today afternoon).
Edit: never mind it's up again.
Thank you @mayankguptadotcom and @aVolpe
For anyone else stumbling on this, as I did when api.quoteable.io
went down again...
To keep exactly the same format as the original Templater command, amend @aVolpe's script
return ` > ${quot} > — <cite>${author}</cite> `; }
return `> ${quot}
> — <cite>${author}</cite>`;
and be sure to call it from your notes with just > [!quote] <% tp.user.quote(tp) %>
For everyone having this problem, I was able to fix the issue locally.
Depending on your OS, find your hosts file (linux and mac, available at /etc/hosts
Edit the file (Note you might need sudo/root permissions to edit the file and save).
Try any of the following (add only one of the lines at a time, not all. These are all the ip's service lies on) api.quotable.io api.quotable.io api.quotable.io api.quotable.io
Confirm by going to your browser and heading to https://api.quotable.io/random
Enjoy for the time being! While devs get their stuff back up fixed
Edit: I found the IPs by first checking dns for api.quotable.io here Noticing it was a cname, I ran dig mysterious-feijoa-0raf5466fxw0fo43e63hphuv.herokudns.com to find the ips: ;; ANSWER SECTION: mysterious-feijoa-0raf5466fxw0fo43e63hphuv.herokudns.com. 31 IN A mysterious-feijoa-0raf5466fxw0fo43e63hphuv.herokudns.com. 31 IN A mysterious-feijoa-0raf5466fxw0fo43e63hphuv.herokudns.com. 31 IN A mysterious-feijoa-0raf5466fxw0fo43e63hphuv.herokudns.com. 31 IN A