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TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable when read_file

Open dreamtwi opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

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Steps to reproduce 🕹

When autogpt reading (gdscript file) using read_file command, TypeError occured. (Full logs provided below)

Current behavior 😯

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

Expected behavior 🤔

Autogpt read and analyse code succesfully.

Your prompt 📝

- Collaborate with the lead developer to understand the project requirements and scope
  of work for the new feature.
- Conduct a thorough analysis of the existing codebase to identify potential conflicts
  or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.
- Provide recommendations on the best approach to implement the new feature, taking
  into consideration factors such as scalability, maintainability, and performance.
- Assist in the development and testing of the new feature, ensuring that it meets
  the project requirements and is delivered on time.
- Continuously monitor the project progress and provide regular updates to the lead
  developer, highlighting any potential risks or issues that may impact the project
  timeline or quality.
ai_name: LeadDevGPT
ai_role: an AI assistant that specializes in software development and helps lead developers
  in managing their projects by providing expert guidance and support.
api_budget: 0.0

Your Logs 📒

SYSTEM:  Human feedback: I had do some fix, please try to read the file again
 THOUGHTS:  Now that the '' file exists in the 'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory' directory, I should proceed with reading the file to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature. I can use the 'read_file' command to read the '' file.
REASONING:  Reading the '' file in the 'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory' directory will help me identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature. The 'read_file' command will help me read the file.
-  Read the '' file in the 'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature using the 'read_file' command.
CRITICISM:  I need to ensure that I am thorough in my analysis of the '' file to identify any potential issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.
NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = read_file ARGUMENTS = {'filename': 'D:\\Program\\AI\\autogpt\\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\\autogpt\\auto_gpt_workspace\\fuu-rain-adventures\\scenes\\inventory\\'}
  Enter 'y' to authorise command, 'y -N' to run N continuous commands, 's' to run self-feedback commands'n' to exit program, or enter feedback for ...
  Asking user via keyboard...
-=-=-=-=-=-=-= COMMAND AUTHORISED BY USER -=-=-=-=-=-=-=
SYSTEM:  Command read_file returned: extends NinePatchRect @export var grid_size: Vector2 = Vector2(6, 3) # 根据实际情况设置背包的大小 @export var hotbar_size := 4 @export var player_number := 1 #玩家1或者玩家2 @onready var inventory_grid = $InventoryGrid @onready var hotbar_grid = $HotbarGrid @onready var item_desc_label = $ItemDescLabel @onready var item_menu = $ItemMenu var input_manager var input_handler var selected_slot var is_picked_mode = false var picked_item_slot_index #选择状态下选中的物品index,用于放置在其他格子 var is_craft_mode = false var selected_material_indexes = [] var slots = [] var items = [] var crafting_recipes = {} var tween signal update_player_items(items) func _ready(): #联机初始化设定 multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = NetworkManager.network_peer items.resize((grid_size.x * grid_size.y) + hotbar_size) inventory_grid.columns = grid_size.x input_manager = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("input_manager") if is_instance_valid(input_manager): input_handler = input_manager.get_input_handler(player_number) else: #单独运行场景用 input_handler = load("res://core/player_input_handler/").new() input_handler.player_number = player_number #读取合成配方 var file_content = FileAccess.get_file_as_string("res://assets/resources/crafting_recipes/crafting_recipes.json") crafting_recipes = JSON.parse_string(file_content) #生成快捷栏格子 for i in hotbar_size: var slot = RS.get_scene("slot", "inventory") slot.index = i slots.append(slot) hotbar_grid.add_child(slot) #生成物品栏格子 for i in (grid_size.x * grid_size.y): var slot = RS.get_scene("slot", "inventory") slot.index = hotbar_size + i slots.append(slot) inventory_grid.add_child(slot) select_slot(hotbar_grid.get_child(0)) # var result_item = craft([{"item_id": "star_water", "qty": 1}, {"item_id": "stick", "qty": 1}], 1) # print(result_item) func _input(event): var player_input = input_handler.handle_input(event) if visible: if player_input.direction != Vector2.ZERO: move_selection(player_input.direction) if if is_picked_mode: item_switch_slot() elif is_craft_mode: start_craft() else: show_slot_menu() if player_input.cancel: if is_craft_mode: cancel_craft() if player_input.open_inventory: close() if player_input.select_material: select_material() else: if player_input.open_inventory: open() @rpc func open(): show() if multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id() == 0: rpc("open") @rpc func close(): hide() if multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id() == 0: rpc("close") func move_selection(direction): var current_parent = selected_slot.get_parent() var index = selected_slot.get_index() var new_position = index_to_grid_position(index) + direction if current_parent == inventory_grid: if new_position.y >= grid_size.y and direction == Vector2(0, 1): select_slot(hotbar_grid.get_child(0)) elif new_position.x >= grid_size.x and direction == Vector2(1, 0): select_slot(hotbar_grid.get_child(0)) elif current_parent == hotbar_grid: if new_position.y < 0 and direction == Vector2(0, -1): select_slot(inventory_grid.get_child(inventory_grid.get_child_count() - 1)) elif new_position.x < 0 and direction == Vector2(-1, 0): select_slot(inventory_grid.get_child(int(grid_size.y * grid_size.x - 1))) if new_position.x >= 0 and new_position.y >= 0: var new_index = grid_position_to_index(new_position) if new_index < current_parent.get_child_count(): select_slot(current_parent.get_child(new_index)) rpc("m_move_selection", selected_slot.index) @rpc func m_move_selection(slot_index): select_slot(slots[slot_index]) func index_to_grid_position(index): return Vector2(index % int(grid_size.x), index / int(grid_size.x)) func grid_position_to_index(position): return int(position.x + position.y * int(grid_size.x)) func select_slot(slot): if selected_slot: selected_slot = slot update_item_description() func update_item_description(): if selected_slot.item_stack: item_desc_label.text = selected_slot.item_stack.item_name + "\n" + selected_slot.item_stack.item_desc else: item_desc_label.text = "" func show_slot_menu(): if selected_slot.item_stack != null: item_menu.global_position = selected_slot.global_position + Vector2(0, -item_menu.size.y) func refresh(): for i in range(len(items)): var slot = slots[i] if slot: slot.set_item(items[i]) update_item_description() func item_switch_slot(): var item = selected_slot.item_stack items[selected_slot.index] = items[picked_item_slot_index] items[picked_item_slot_index] = item is_picked_mode = false picked_item_slot_index = 0 tween.stop() refresh() func shake_texture_rect(texture_rect, duration, strength): if !tween: tween = create_tween() tween.stop() var initial_position = texture_rect.position # 固定朝右上角抖动 var shake_direction = Vector2(1, -1).normalized() var shake_vector = shake_direction * strength tween.tween_property(texture_rect, "position", initial_position + shake_vector, duration / 2) tween.tween_property(texture_rect, "position", initial_position, duration / 2) tween.set_loops() func select_material(): if !selected_material_indexes.has(selected_slot.index): if selected_slot.item_stack != null: selected_material_indexes.append(selected_slot.index) selected_slot.select_material(true) else: selected_material_indexes.erase(selected_slot.index) selected_slot.select_material(false) if selected_material_indexes.size() > 0: is_craft_mode = true else: is_craft_mode = false #合成 func craft(items, crafting_qty = 1): # 获取物品ID并排序 var item_ids = [] for item in items: item_ids.append(item.item_id) item_ids.sort() # 生成用于查询配方的键 var key = ",".join(item_ids) # 如果找到匹配的配方 if key in crafting_recipes: var result = crafting_recipes[key] var crafted_item = RS.get_scene(result.result_id, "item") crafted_item.qty = result.result_qty * crafting_qty return crafted_item else: return null func start_craft(): var materials = [] for index in selected_material_indexes: materials.append(slots[index].item_stack) var crafted_item = craft(materials) if crafted_item != null: var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player" + str(player_number)) for item in materials: player.add_item(item.item_id, -1) var put_index = -1 if selected_slot.item_stack == null: put_index = selected_slot.index player.add_item(crafted_item.item_id, crafted_item.qty, put_index) cancel_craft() func cancel_craft(): for index in selected_material_indexes: slots[index].select_material(false) selected_material_indexes.clear() is_craft_mode = false func _on_player_items_updated(player_items): if player_items.size() != ((grid_size.x * grid_size.y) + hotbar_size): print("player_items size must equal to inventory size") return items = player_items refresh() # update_items(player_items) #func update_items(player_items): # if player_items.size() != ((grid_size.x * grid_size.y) + hotbar_size): # print("player_items size must equal to inventory size") # return # items = player_items # refresh() # # if multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id() == 0: # #由于rpc无法传递node,所以先将node属性转化为字典才通过rpc传递 # var dict_items = [] # for item in player_items: # if item != null: # dict_items.append(Util.node_to_dict(item)) # else: # dict_items.append(null) # rpc("update_items", dict_items) func _on_use_button_pressed(): var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player" + str(player_number)) selected_slot.item_stack.use(player) item_menu.hide() func _on_select_button_pressed(): is_picked_mode = true picked_item_slot_index = selected_slot.index shake_texture_rect(selected_slot.n_texture_rect, 0.2, 3) item_menu.hide() func _on_drop_button_pressed(): var drop_result = selected_slot.item_stack.drop() if drop_result: items[selected_slot.index] = null refresh() item_menu.hide()
An error occurred while processing the JSON data: This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 4700 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Error occurred with the following JSON data: [{'role': 'assistant', 'content': '{\n    "thoughts": {\n        "text": "Now that I have a clear understanding of the project requirements and scope of work for the new feature, I should proceed with analyzing the existing codebase to identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature. I should use the \'analyze_code\' command to analyze the codebase.",\n        "reasoning": "Analyzing the existing codebase will help me identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature. The \'analyze_code\' command will help me analyze the codebase.",\n        "plan": "- Analyze the existing codebase to identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature using the \'analyze_code\' command.",\n        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I am thorough in my analysis of the existing codebase to identify any potential issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "speak": "I need to analyze the existing codebase to identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature using the \'analyze_code\' command."\n    },\n    "command": {\n        "name": "analyze_code",\n        "args": {\n            "code": "<full_code_string>"\n        }\n    }\n}'}, {'role': 'your computer', 'content': 'Human feedback: please read fuu-rain-adventures/ directory for codebase and locate inventory file'}, {'role': 'assistant', 'content': '{\n    "thoughts": {\n        "text": "I should read the \'inventory\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "reasoning": "Analyzing the \'inventory\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures\' directory will help me identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "plan": "- Read the \'inventory\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I am thorough in my analysis of the \'inventory\' file to identify any potential issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "speak": "I need to read the \'inventory\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature."\n    },\n    "command": {\n        "name": "read_file",\n        "args": {\n            "filename": "fuu-rain-adventures/inventory"\n        }\n    }\n}'}, {'role': 'your computer', 'content': 'Human feedback: Sorry, the correct file path is:D:\\Program\\AI\\autogpt\\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\\autogpt\\auto_gpt_workspace\\fuu-rain-adventures\\scenes\\inventory\\'}, {'role': 'assistant', 'content': '{\n    "thoughts": {\n        "text": "I should read the \'\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "reasoning": "Analyzing the \'\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory will help me identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "plan": "- Read the \'\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I am thorough in my analysis of the \'\' file to identify any potential issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "speak": "I need to read the \'\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature."\n    },\n    "command": {\n        "name": "read_file",\n        "args": {\n            "filename": "fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory/"\n        }\n    }\n}'}, {'role': 'your computer', 'content': "Command read_file returned: Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\\\Program\\\\AI\\\\autogpt\\\\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\\\\autogpt\\\\auto_gpt_workspace\\\\fuu-rain-adventures\\\\scenes\\\\inventory\\\\'"}, {'role': 'assistant', 'content': '{\n    "thoughts": {\n        "text": "It seems that the \'\' file does not exist in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory. I should check the directory to ensure that the file exists. I can use the \'list_files\' command to list all the files in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory.",\n        "reasoning": "Checking the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to ensure that the \'\' file exists will help me identify any issues that may be preventing me from reading the file. The \'list_files\' command will help me list all the files in the directory.",\n        "plan": "- Use the \'list_files\' command to list all the files in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to ensure that the \'\' file exists.",\n        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I am thorough in my analysis of the directory to identify any potential issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "speak": "I need to use the \'list_files\' command to list all the files in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to ensure that the \'\' file exists."\n    },\n    "command": {\n        "name": "list_files",\n        "args": {\n            "directory": "fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory"\n        }\n    }\n}'}, {'role': 'your computer', 'content': 'Human feedback: I had do some fix, please try to read the file again'}, {'role': 'assistant', 'content': '{\n    "thoughts": {\n        "text": "Now that the \'\' file exists in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory, I should proceed with reading the file to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature. I can use the \'read_file\' command to read the \'\' file.",\n        "reasoning": "Reading the \'\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory will help me identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature. The \'read_file\' command will help me read the file.",\n        "plan": "- Read the \'\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature using the \'read_file\' command.",\n        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I am thorough in my analysis of the \'\' file to identify any potential issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature.",\n        "speak": "I need to read the \'\' file in the \'fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory\' directory to analyze the existing codebase and identify potential conflicts or issues that may arise during the implementation of the new feature using the \'read_file\' command."\n    },\n    "command": {\n        "name": "read_file",\n        "args": {\n            "filename": "fuu-rain-adventures/scenes/inventory/"\n        }\n    }\n}'}, {'role': 'your computer', 'content': 'Command read_file returned: extends NinePatchRect\n\n@export var grid_size: Vector2 = Vector2(6, 3)  # 根据实际情况设置背包的大小\n@export var hotbar_size := 4\n@export var player_number := 1 #玩家1或者玩家2\n\n@onready var inventory_grid = $InventoryGrid\n@onready var hotbar_grid = $HotbarGrid\n@onready var item_desc_label = $ItemDescLabel\n@onready var item_menu = $ItemMenu\n\nvar input_manager\nvar input_handler\nvar selected_slot \nvar is_picked_mode = false\nvar picked_item_slot_index #选择状态下选中的物品index,用于放置在其他格子\nvar is_craft_mode = false\nvar selected_material_indexes = []\n\nvar slots = []\nvar items = []\nvar crafting_recipes = {}\n\nvar tween\n\nsignal update_player_items(items)\n\t\nfunc _ready():\n\t#联机初始化设定\n\tmultiplayer.multiplayer_peer = NetworkManager.network_peer\n\t\n\titems.resize((grid_size.x * grid_size.y) + hotbar_size)\n\tinventory_grid.columns = grid_size.x\n\tinput_manager = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("input_manager")\n\tif is_instance_valid(input_manager):\n\t\tinput_handler = input_manager.get_input_handler(player_number)\n\telse:\n\t\t#单独运行场景用\n\t\tinput_handler = load("res://core/player_input_handler/").new()\n\t\tinput_handler.player_number = player_number\n\t\t\n\t#读取合成配方\n\tvar file_content = FileAccess.get_file_as_string("res://assets/resources/crafting_recipes/crafting_recipes.json")\n\tcrafting_recipes = JSON.parse_string(file_content)\n\n\t#生成快捷栏格子\n\tfor i in hotbar_size:\n\t\tvar slot = RS.get_scene("slot", "inventory")\n\t\tslot.index = i\n\t\tslots.append(slot)\n\t\thotbar_grid.add_child(slot)\n\t\n\t#生成物品 栏格子\n\tfor i in (grid_size.x * grid_size.y):\n\t\tvar slot = RS.get_scene("slot", "inventory")\n\t\tslot.index = hotbar_size + i\n\t\tslots.append(slot)\n\t\tinventory_grid.add_child(slot)\n\n\tselect_slot(hotbar_grid.get_child(0))\n\t\n#\tvar result_item = craft([{"item_id": "star_water", "qty": 1}, {"item_id": "stick", "qty": 1}], 1)\n#\tprint(result_item)\n\t\nfunc _input(event):\n\tvar player_input = input_handler.handle_input(event)\n\t\n\tif visible:\n\t\tif player_input.direction != Vector2.ZERO:\n\t\t\tmove_selection(player_input.direction)\n\t\t\t\n\t\tif\n\t\t\tif is_picked_mode:\n\t\t\t\titem_switch_slot()\n\t\t\telif is_craft_mode:\n\t\t\t\tstart_craft()\n\t\t\telse:\n\t\t\t\tshow_slot_menu()\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tif player_input.cancel:\n\t\t\tif is_craft_mode:\n\t\t\t\tcancel_craft()\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tif player_input.open_inventory:\n\t\t\tclose()\n\t\t\t\n\t\tif player_input.select_material:\n\t\t\tselect_material()\n\telse:\n\t\tif player_input.open_inventory:\n\t\t\topen()\n\n@rpc\nfunc open():\n\tshow()\n\t\n\tif multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id() == 0:\n\t\trpc("open")\n\n@rpc\nfunc close():\n\thide()\n\t\n\tif multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id() == 0:\n\t\trpc("close")\n\nfunc move_selection(direction):\n\tvar current_parent = selected_slot.get_parent()\n\tvar index = selected_slot.get_index()\n\tvar new_position = index_to_grid_position(index) + direction\n\n\tif current_parent == inventory_grid:\n\t\tif new_position.y >= grid_size.y and direction == Vector2(0, 1):\n\t\t\tselect_slot(hotbar_grid.get_child(0))\n\t\telif new_position.x >= grid_size.x and direction == Vector2(1, 0):\n\t\t\tselect_slot(hotbar_grid.get_child(0))\n\telif current_parent == hotbar_grid:\n\t\tif new_position.y < 0 and direction == Vector2(0, -1):\n\t\t\tselect_slot(inventory_grid.get_child(inventory_grid.get_child_count() - 1))\n\t\telif new_position.x < 0 and direction == Vector2(-1, 0):\n\t\t\tselect_slot(inventory_grid.get_child(int(grid_size.y * grid_size.x - 1)))\n\n\tif new_position.x >= 0 and new_position.y >= 0:\n\t\tvar new_index = grid_position_to_index(new_position)\n\t\tif new_index < current_parent.get_child_count():\n\t\t\tselect_slot(current_parent.get_child(new_index))\n\t\t\n\trpc("m_move_selection", selected_slot.index)\n\n@rpc\nfunc m_move_selection(slot_index):\n\tselect_slot(slots[slot_index])\n\nfunc index_to_grid_position(index):\n\treturn Vector2(index % int(grid_size.x), index / int(grid_size.x))\n\nfunc grid_position_to_index(position):\n\treturn int(position.x + position.y * int(grid_size.x))\n\nfunc select_slot(slot):\n\tif selected_slot:\n\t\\n\tselected_slot = slot\n\\n\tupdate_item_description()\n\nfunc update_item_description():\n\tif selected_slot.item_stack:\n\t\titem_desc_label.text = selected_slot.item_stack.item_name + "\\n" + selected_slot.item_stack.item_desc\n\telse:\n\t\titem_desc_label.text = ""\n\nfunc show_slot_menu():\n\tif selected_slot.item_stack != null:\n\t\titem_menu.global_position = selected_slot.global_position + Vector2(0, -item_menu.size.y)\n\t\\n\nfunc refresh():\n\tfor i in range(len(items)):\n\t\tvar slot = slots[i]\n\t\tif slot:\n\t\t\tslot.set_item(items[i])\n\tupdate_item_description()\n\t\nfunc item_switch_slot():\n\tvar item = selected_slot.item_stack\n\titems[selected_slot.index] = items[picked_item_slot_index]\n\titems[picked_item_slot_index] = item\n\tis_picked_mode = false\n\tpicked_item_slot_index = 0\n\ttween.stop()\n\trefresh()\n\t\nfunc shake_texture_rect(texture_rect, duration, strength):\n\tif !tween:\n\t\ttween = create_tween()\n\t\n\ttween.stop()\n\n\tvar initial_position = texture_rect.position\n\n\t# 固定朝右上角抖动\n\tvar shake_direction = Vector2(1, -1).normalized()\n\tvar shake_vector = shake_direction * strength\n\n\ttween.tween_property(texture_rect, "position", initial_position + shake_vector, duration / 2)\n\ttween.tween_property(texture_rect, "position", initial_position, duration / 2)\n\ttween.set_loops()\n\t\n\\n\t\nfunc select_material():\n\tif !selected_material_indexes.has(selected_slot.index):\n\t\tif selected_slot.item_stack != null:\n\t\t\tselected_material_indexes.append(selected_slot.index)\n\t\t\tselected_slot.select_material(true)\n\telse:\n\t\tselected_material_indexes.erase(selected_slot.index)\n\t\tselected_slot.select_material(false)\n\t\t\n\tif selected_material_indexes.size() > 0:\n\t\tis_craft_mode = true\n\telse:\n\t\tis_craft_mode = false\n\n#合成\t\t\nfunc craft(items, crafting_qty = 1):\n\t# 获取物品ID并排序\n\tvar item_ids = []\n\tfor item in items:\n\t\titem_ids.append(item.item_id)\n\titem_ids.sort()\n\n\t# 生成用于查询配方的键\n\tvar key = ",".join(item_ids)\n\n\t# 如果找到匹配的配方\n\tif key in crafting_recipes:\n\t\tvar result = crafting_recipes[key]\n\t\tvar crafted_item = RS.get_scene(result.result_id, "item")\n\t\tcrafted_item.qty = result.result_qty * crafting_qty\n\t\treturn crafted_item\n\telse:\n\t\treturn null\n\t\t\nfunc start_craft():\n\tvar materials = []\n\tfor index in selected_material_indexes:\n\t\tmaterials.append(slots[index].item_stack)\n\t\t\n\tvar crafted_item = craft(materials)\n\t\n\tif crafted_item != null:\n\t\tvar player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player" + str(player_number))\n\t\tfor item in materials:\n\t\t\tplayer.add_item(item.item_id, -1)\n\t\t\t\n\t\tvar put_index = -1\n\t\tif selected_slot.item_stack == null:\n\t\t\tput_index = selected_slot.index\n\t\tplayer.add_item(crafted_item.item_id, crafted_item.qty, put_index)\n\t\n\tcancel_craft()\n\t\nfunc cancel_craft():\n\tfor index in selected_material_indexes:\n\t\tslots[index].select_material(false)\n\tselected_material_indexes.clear()\n\tis_craft_mode = false\n\t\nfunc _on_player_items_updated(player_items):\n\tif player_items.size() != ((grid_size.x * grid_size.y) + hotbar_size):\n\t\tprint("player_items size must equal to inventory size")\n\t\treturn\n\titems = player_items\n\trefresh()\n#\tupdate_items(player_items)\n\n#func update_items(player_items):\n#\tif player_items.size() != ((grid_size.x * grid_size.y) + hotbar_size):\n#\t\tprint("player_items size must equal to inventory size")\n#\t\treturn\n#\titems = player_items\n#\trefresh()\n#\n#\tif multiplayer.get_remote_sender_id() == 0:\n#\t\t#由于rpc无法传递node,所以先将node属性转化为字 典才通过rpc传递\n#\t\tvar dict_items = []\n#\t\tfor item in player_items:\n#\t\t\tif item != null:\n#\t\t\t\tdict_items.append(Util.node_to_dict(item))\n#\t\t\telse:\n#\t\t\t\tdict_items.append(null)\n#\t\trpc("update_items", dict_items)\n\nfunc _on_use_button_pressed():\n\tvar player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player" + str(player_number))\n\tselected_slot.item_stack.use(player)\n\titem_menu.hide()\n\nfunc _on_select_button_pressed():\n\tis_picked_mode = true\n\tpicked_item_slot_index = selected_slot.index\n\tshake_texture_rect(selected_slot.n_texture_rect, 0.2, 3)\n\titem_menu.hide()\n\nfunc _on_drop_button_pressed():\n\tvar drop_result = selected_slot.item_stack.drop()\n\tif drop_result:\n\t\titems[selected_slot.index] = null\n\t\trefresh()\n\titem_menu.hide()\n'}]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "D:\Program\AI\autogpt\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\autogpt\", line 5, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\dreamtwi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1130, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\dreamtwi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1055, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "C:\Users\dreamtwi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1635, in invoke    rv = super().invoke(ctx)
  File "C:\Users\dreamtwi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1404, in invoke    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "C:\Users\dreamtwi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 760, in invoke
    return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\dreamtwi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 26, in new_func
    return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
  File "D:\Program\AI\autogpt\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\autogpt\", line 90, in main
  File "D:\Program\AI\autogpt\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\autogpt\", line 171, in run_auto_gpt
  File "D:\Program\AI\autogpt\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\autogpt\agent\", line 94, in start_interaction_loop
    assistant_reply = chat_with_ai(
  File "D:\Program\AI\autogpt\Auto-GPT-0.3.0\autogpt\llm\", line 229, in chat_with_ai
    if message["role"] == "system" and message["content"] == prompt:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

dreamtwi avatar May 05 '23 14:05 dreamtwi

Hi 👋 @k-boikov could i take up this issue

dewasahu2003 avatar May 15 '23 11:05 dewasahu2003

Hi 👋 @k-boikov

  • could this be done to solve the issue image
  • when we get message object as None we can just jump to next iteration

dewasahu2003 avatar May 17 '23 14:05 dewasahu2003

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github-actions[bot] avatar Sep 06 '23 20:09 github-actions[bot]

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github-actions[bot] avatar Sep 17 '23 01:09 github-actions[bot]