AutoGPT copied to clipboard
Failed to Connect to Pinecone
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Which Operating System are you using?
Which version of Auto-GPT are you using?
Stable (branch)
GPT-3 or GPT-4?
Steps to reproduce 🕹
Current behavior 😯
PS C:\Users\chefj\AutoGPT> .\run.bat All packages are installed. FAILED TO CONNECT TO PINECONE ('401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:', 'API key is missing or invalid for the environment "us-west1-gcp". Check that the correct environment is specified.') DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION Please ensure you have setup and configured Pinecone properly for use.You can check out to ensure you've set up everything correctly. Press any key to continue . . .
Expected behavior 🤔
Standard use of auto-gpt. has been working fine, now my windows and replit versions have both stopped launching. i am a paid user of pinecone.
Your prompt 📝
# Paste your prompt here
Your Logs 📒
<insert your logs here>
Please check you .env. If needed delete it and start over from the .env.tempalte.
Thanks for the response! I will try deleting and resetting. My error messages always say that my API is unauthorized for 'us-west-gcp' However, my location is northamerica-northeast1-gcp and is listed as such.
Are there other locations in the auto-gpt script that this could be adjusted to reflect my correct location?
This is how your .env should look (with your proper data of course)
and above you should have
I'm a new user and I have the same issue, installed an hour or so ago from latest clone.
same issue
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