Sigmund Granaas Sandring
Sigmund Granaas Sandring
Forgero is bundled with Arrp, which can causes issues with manually added versions of Arrp. This should not be an issue, so I need to fix it.
Some people have taken the time creating translations for Forgero. Integrating with a translation service would make this effort a lot easier!
Work on experimental support for the Forge modloader.
Adding support for quilt should not really be that hard.
Add the option to apply overrides to smithing recipes as well as crafting ingredients, where vanilla tools are used. The RecipeManagerMixin in the forgero-fabric module needs additional settings and functions...
Add option for Forgero packs/addons to contain slices of Forgero configuration to make it easier for mods to add configuration values to forgero without having to use the configuration.json file...