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Trace page error (URI malformed)
Bug description
After attaching my zap logger(GO 1.19) to telemetry I can't open trace page. Its just blank page with error in console:
Page uri: http://localhost:3301/trace/96c0984483049c9134e334727313ee2e?spanId=2d69a0700c7b42cd
main.7b0e755f09d6e677c150.js:2 Uncaught URIError: URI malformed
at decodeURIComponent (<anonymous>)
at TraceDetail Page.bd7b85fceafe4ecc27a9.js:2:74311
at (<anonymous>)
at TraceDetail Page.bd7b85fceafe4ecc27a9.js:2:74276
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at f (TraceDetail Page.bd7b85fceafe4ecc27a9.js:2:74073)
at k (TraceDetail Page.bd7b85fceafe4ecc27a9.js:2:52816)
at Da (main.7b0e755f09d6e677c150.js:2:1994294)
at Ms (main.7b0e755f09d6e677c150.js:2:2046411)
at iu (main.7b0e755f09d6e677c150.js:2:2033648)
Trace without attached logs works just fine.
Expected behavior
No error
How to reproduce
otelLogger = otelzap.New(zapLogger, otelzap.WithMinLevel(zapcore.InfoLevel))
ex.log.Ctx(ex.ctx).Infof("Starting downloading history. Tickers: %d", len(tickers))
ex.log.Ctx(ex.ctx).Debugf("All workers spawned. Wait for completion")
Version information
- Signoz version: Latest
- Browser version: Chrome 105.0.5195.125 (Official Build) (arm64)
- Your OS and version: Mac os 12.6
- Your CPU Architecture(ARM/Intel): ARM
Additional context
SigNov working in docker droplet. No other issues found so far. The trace should contain at least 2 levels with 3 spans in my case.
Thanks for opening this issue. A team member should give feedback soon. In the meantime, feel free to check out the contributing guidelines.
@makeavish can you try to reproduce the issue and check what's wrong
Server response when opening the corrupted trace:
JSON Response
"columns": [
"events": [
"{TraceId=26de7c6971f21afe60709266af7545c7, SpanId=d3f7e865006efd90, RefType=CHILD_OF}"
"{TraceId=26de7c6971f21afe60709266af7545c7, SpanId=d3f7e865006efd90, RefType=CHILD_OF}"
"{TraceId=26de7c6971f21afe60709266af7545c7, SpanId=, RefType=CHILD_OF}"
"{\"name\":\"log\",\"timeUnixNano\":1664993463644243000,\"attributeMap\":{\"code.filepath\":\"/private/var/path/to/file/hidden.go\",\"code.function\":\"*BinanceFuturesClient).TickersTradeHistory\",\"code.lineno\":\"381\",\"log.message\":\"Starting downloading history. Tickers: 189\",\"log.severity\":\"INFO\",\"log.template\":\"Starting downloading trade history. Tickers: %d\"}}"
Hope it helps