I think the goal should be to get the Android joystick to be as good as possible, with all the keys mapped. The keyboard events should be left as is,...
Whoops, forgot to respond. There's two things. First, is consistent cross-platform mapping, which should be fixed, but out of scope here. I just meant that the Android joystick has all...
On my new system I get a repeatable crash in ex_resize2 with or without this change as soon as I resize a window: ``` warning: liballegro.5.2.dylib was compiled with optimization...
For completeness, sending HALT/RESUME_DRAWING events from `windowWillStartLiveResize`/`viewDidEndLiveResize` and respecting them in the ex_resize2 seems to work.
Just found, but the fix there doesn't seem to work for me (they didn't seem to like it either, as it caused artifacts for them).
There is a check if you compile using the debug versions of the library (e.g
#1404 should fix the weird key event, but the fixed key down events don't have modifiers. Ctrl/Shift/Alt are pretty wonky keys, I'm not sure I can get modifiers for them.
The coordinate system is governed by the camera matrix used. I'm guessing you pass in the appropriate up vector to `al_build_camera_transform`, and then negate the x-axis via `al_scale_transform_3d`.
Yes, for Rust struct 'fields' is probably the right nomenclature. 'members' typically has OOP connotations. Otherwise, the Rust changes look fine to me.