MERN-E-Commerce copied to clipboard
eCommerce application to build and buy or upgrade your gaming setup.
Build-&-Buy eCommerce Platform
eCommerce platform built with the MERN stack & Redux.
An eCommerce platform where you can buy all the necessary components and peripherals to build your
best gaming station or upgrade your current system to complete and unleash the
ultimate, efficient, powerful beast that your gaming setup aims to be.
This application uses React JS component oriented UI creation paradigm. All components are written in JSX and ES6 style and are combined to get a single build for production purpose using Webpack 5.
Back end is implemented using Node JS, Express JS and MongoDB. Atlas, the Cloud version of MongoDB is used.
If you find any bugs you can report it to me.
Pull requests are always welcome. For major changes,
please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Few Screenshots
Demo Video
Sample User Logins
Password | |
[email protected] (Admin) | sidtest |
[email protected] | maxtest |
[email protected] | mariotest |
Or use the guest login and admin login features.
Sample Payment Gateway User Logins
Password | |
[email protected] | Y%7XuL+g |
Or create a paypal USA developers account by going on
and use your personal account type for making payments.
- Full featured shopping cart.
- It is a Full Stack Application.
- Product reviews and ratings.
- Top products carousel.
- Search as per your interest and requirement.
- Paginated list of products.
- Apply desired filters for fast product selection.
- User profile, user details can be edited.
- Placed order details.
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page.
- Mark orders as delivered option for admins.
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc).
- PayPal / credit card integration.
- Database seeder (products).
- All of the data is stored in the database i.e. persistant
Tech Stack
Frontend: React, Bootstrap, Redux
Backend: NodeJS, Exress, MongoDB, Mongoose.
Env Variables
Create a .env file in then root and add the following
NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5000
MONGO_URI = your mongodb uri
JWT_SECRET = 'your secret'
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = your paypal client id
Install Dependencies (frontend & backend)
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
# Run frontend (:3000) & backend (:5000)
npm run dev
# Run frontend only
cd frontend
npm start
# Run backend only
npm run server
Build & Deploy
# Create frontend prod build
cd frontend
npm run build
There is a Heroku postbuild script, so if you push to Heroku, no need to build manually for deployment to Heroku
Seed Database
You can use the following commands to seed the database with some sample users and products as well as destroy all data
# Import data
npm run data:import
# Destroy data
npm run data:destroy