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Not finding episodes
Branch/Commit: d3d9e0cd9
OS: Fedora 36
Browser: NA
What you did: Ran a manual search for an episode
What happened: It queried the NZB server and then said it found no episodes
What you expected: It should have found over a dozen as there were that many when I ran the query myself with curl
Logs: Frankly there isn't much to show
2022-07-30 12:38:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> [redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted]
2022-07-30 12:38:08 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: Beginning manual search for: [[redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted]]
2022-07-30 12:38:09 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: Building internal name cache for [redacted]
2022-07-30 12:38:09 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: get_all_scene_exceptions: {-1: [{'show_name': '[redacted]', 'custom': False}]}
2022-07-30 12:38:09 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: exceptions_cache for 273181: {-1: ['[redacted]']}
2022-07-30 12:38:09 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: Internal name cache for [redacted] set to: [ [redacted] ]
2022-07-30 12:38:09 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: Last update was too soon, using old cache: 2022-07-30 12:32:31. Updated less then 30 minutes ago
2022-07-30 12:38:09 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: Performing episode search for [redacted]
2022-07-30 12:38:10 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: get_scene_exceptions: ['[redacted]']
2022-07-30 12:38:10 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: exceptions_cache: {-1: ['[redacted]']}
2022-07-30 12:38:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: get_scene_exceptions: ['[redacted]']
2022-07-30 12:38:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: exceptions_cache: {-1: ['[redacted]']}
2022-07-30 12:38:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: Search Mode: Episode
2022-07-30 12:38:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: Search String: [redacted] [redacted]
2022-07-30 12:38:15 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: [My NZBHydra 2] :: GET URL: [redacted] [Status: 200]
2022-07-30 12:38:15 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> [redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted]
2022-07-30 12:38:15 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> [redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted]
2022-07-30 12:38:15 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-273181 :: Unable to find a download for: [[redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted]]
I do have debug logs enabled:
The result of my query to the same URL:
$ curl -s '[redacted]' | sed -ne '/<item>/,/<\/item>/p' | grep '<title>' | wc -l
So there are clearly 17 results returned from that query, but for whatever reason SickChill is not seeing any of them. That 17 matches the number of hits my NZB server is saying there are for that query.
Can't debug anything without an accurate response from the curl. I need to see the file/release names, and all the other data minus the API key. Your urls and key can be redacted, but I have to see everything else.
Will this help, I have the same problem, not snatched anything in 24 days. Below is a manual search with claims of unable to find, yet it is on the site. I have manually downloaded them outside of SickChill
2022-08-10 23:50:11 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: Unable to find a download for: [Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot]
2022-08-10 23:50:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot
2022-08-10 23:50:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot
2022-08-10 23:50:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: GET URL:[redacted]&tvdbid=336261&season=1&ep=1 [Status: 200]
2022-08-10 23:50:10 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: GET URL:[redacted]&tvdbid=336261&season=1&ep=1 [Status: 301]
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: Search String: tom clancys jack ryan S01E01
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: Search Mode: Episode
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: exceptions_cache: {-1: ['tom clancys jack ryan']}
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: get_scene_exceptions: ['tom clancys jack ryan']
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: exceptions_cache: {-1: ['tom clancys jack ryan']}
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: get_scene_exceptions: ['tom clancys jack ryan']
2022-08-10 23:50:08 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: Performing episode search for Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: Last update was too soon, using old cache: 2022-08-10 23:36:03. Updated less then 30 minutes ago
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: Internal name cache for Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan set to: [ tom clancys jack ryan ]
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: exceptions_cache for 336261: {-1: ['tom clancys jack ryan']}
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: get_all_scene_exceptions: {-1: [{'show_name': 'tom clancys jack ryan', 'custom': False}]}
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: Building internal name cache for Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan
2022-08-10 23:50:08 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: Beginning manual search for: [Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot]
2022-08-10 23:50:08 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot
2022-08-10 23:48:50 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: Unable to find a download for: [Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot]
2022-08-10 23:48:50 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot
2022-08-10 23:48:50 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - S01E01 - Pilot
2022-08-10 23:48:50 INFO :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: Request failed: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None)) (ConnectionError)
2022-08-10 23:48:50 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: GET URL:[redacted]&tvdbid=336261&season=1&ep=1 [Status: 301]
First, you need to change your provider from http to https for nzbplanet ^
It did search both http and https, but i have changed it to https in the actual setting now
2022-08-10 23:50:11 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: GET URL:[redacted]&tvdbid=336261&season=1&ep=1 [Status: 200] 2022-08-10 23:50:10 DEBUG :: SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-336261 :: [NZBPlannet] :: GET URL:[redacted]&tvdbid=336261&season=1&ep=1 [Status: 301]
@DravenSA no, it hit the server on http, was 301 redirected, and then hit the server again for https. 2 requests for one search, doubling your impact on the server. They dont take kindly to it.
Closing in favor of #8055
This is not a duplicate of #8055. Please reopen. The problem is in fact
This is not a duplicate of #8055. Please reopen. The problem is in fact
That is already fixed in
When that PR is ready it will be merged to master. We have to slow down on the hotfixes and hasty merges, because that's why shit keeps getting broken. There has to be patience between the fix and testing before a release. We can't always make a fix and shove it into master right away without sufficient testing. Switch to the providers PR branch and check it for yourself.