SiEPIC_EBeam_PDK copied to clipboard
Directional Coupler: pulley-coupled
A request to implement a Layout PCell + CML for a fully-parameterized directional coupler for pulley-coupled resonators, with the following parameters:
- g: gap
- rr: Radius of the ring.
- rb: Radius of the bus (set the default to be 2Rr as in Fig 1).
- wr: Waveguide width for the ring
- wb: Waveguide width for the bus coupler
- rc: Radius of the coupler, for the waveguide leaving the ring.
- theta: The arc for the coupler
- pol: 'TE' or 'TM'; for use in INTERCONNECT calling FDTD to simulate one of these if pol is defined, or simulate both if undefined.
- wavelength: default 1550. Consider a simulation bandwidth of 10% of the central wavelength. Used by the INTERCONNECT-FDTD simulation.
name: ebeam_dc_halfring_pulley
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See Figure 1 in the following paper:
Nourhan Eid, Hasitha Jayatilleka, Michael Caverley, Sudip Shekhar, Lukas Chrostowski, Nicolas A. Jaeger, "Wide FSR Silicon-on-Insulator Microring Resonator with Bent Couplers", IEEE Group IV Photonics Conference, 08/2015