vscode-spotify copied to clipboard
Certificate Error?
Getting the following error when clicking on the icon from the left menu.
vscode-spotify: Failed to perform operation request to https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/playlists?limit=50&offset=0 failed, reason: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Hi, @carlhussey do you have some kind of corporate vpn/proxy?
You will usually see this error when there IS "self signed certificate in certificate chain".
Well shoot... I was on my work VPN when I got the original message I posted. I disconnected to see if that was the issue and got the following.
vscode-spotify: Failed to perform operation request to https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/playlists?limit=50&offset=0 failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND proxy.example.com proxy.example.com:8080
(example.com = my company domain).
Does this mean something is being blocked per corp policy of some type?
Does this mean something is being blocked per corp policy of some type?
yes, it's probably blocked by corp policy.
What is the extension doing to connect to spotify? I've not have any other extensions have issues with the corporate signed and Windows trusted certificate being used to inspect https connections. It would be really good to expose an option to allow self signed certificates, or better: provide a way to trust certain certificates for the instances where it's not an option to do without.