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A highly extensible service bus implementation.


Please visit out official documentation for more information.

Getting Started

Start a new Console Application project and select a Shuttle.Esb queue implementation from the supported queues:

PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Esb.AzureMQ

Now we'll need select one of the supported containers:

PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Core.Autofac

We'll also need to host our endpoint using a worker service:

PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Core.WorkerService

Next we'll implement our endpoint in order to start listening on our queue:

internal class Program
	private static void Main()

public class Host : IServiceHost
	private IServiceBus _bus;

    public void Start()
        var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
        var registry = new AutofacComponentRegistry(containerBuilder);

        registry.Register<IAzureStorageConfiguration, DefaultAzureStorageConfiguration>();

        _bus = new AutofacComponentResolver(containerBuilder.Build())

	public void Stop()

A bit of configuration is going to be needed to help things along:

		<section name="serviceBus" type="Shuttle.Esb.ServiceBusSection, Shuttle.Esb"/>

		<add key="azure" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true;" />

		<inbox workQueueUri="azuremq://azure/shuttle-server-work" 
		       errorQueueUri="azuremq://azure/shuttle-error" />

Send a command message for processing

bus.Send(new RegisterMemberCommand
    UserName = "user-name",
    EMailAddress = "[email protected]"

Publish an event message when something interesting happens

bus.Publish(new MemberRegisteredEvent
    UserName = "user-name"

Subscribe to those interesting events


Handle any messages

public class RegisterMemberHandler : IMessageHandler<RegisterMemberCommand>
    public RegisterMemberHandler(IDependency dependency)

	public void ProcessMessage(IHandlerContext<RegisterMemberCommand> context)
        // perform member registration

		context.Publish(new MemberRegisteredEvent
			UserName = context.Message.UserName
public class MemberRegisteredHandler : IMessageHandler<MemberRegisteredEvent>
	public void ProcessMessage(IHandlerContext<MemberRegisteredEvent> context)
        // processing