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Simple CLI tool for the generation of bind and reverse shells in multiple languages
Shellerator is a simple command-line tool aimed to help pentesters quickly generate one-liner reverse/bind shells in multiple languages (Bash, Powershell, Java, Python...). Another similar project for the generation of one-line file downloading commands is based on this code Uberfile
This project is installed by default in the pentesting OS Exegol
The install is pretty simple, just clone this git and install the requirements.
git clone
cd shellerator
python3 install --user
Usage is dead simple too.
usage: [-h] [-b | -r] [-t TYPE] [-p LPORT] [-i LHOST]
Generate a bind/reverse shell
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --list Print all the types of shells shellerator can generate
-b, --bind-shell Generate a bind shell (you connect to the target)
-r, --reverse-shell Generate a reverse shell (the target connects to you)(Default)
Bind shell options:
-t TYPE, --type TYPE Type of the shell to generate (Bash, Powershell, Java...)
-p LPORT, --port LPORT Listener Port
Reverse shell options:
-t TYPE, --type TYPE Type of the shell to generate (Bash, Powershell, Java...)
-i LHOST, --ip LHOST Listener IP address
-p LPORT, --port LPORT Listener Port
If required options are not set, the tool will start in TUI (Terminal User Interface) with pretty menus but CLI works like a charm too.
To-Do List
Things to add
Here are some things to add that I have in mind, I'll work on that asap
- Add bindshells
- Add encrypted shells and separate them from bind/rev ?
- Add webshells
- Add some kind of option to help user get info on how to improve shell/tty (rlwrap, stty, ConPty (cf. PayloadsAllTheThings))
Sources & credits
This project is inspired by Print-My-Shell. Some commands come from the following links