A1-QP-MPC-Controller copied to clipboard
Error in Gazebo example
When running the Gazebo example, I got the following error in a1_cpp_ctrl_image
. The build had no problems.
root@URANUS:~/A1_ctrl_ws# roslaunch a1_cpp a1_ctrl.launch type:=gazebo solver_type:=mpc
... logging to /root/.ros/log/d7c301c8-37e7-11ed-ae13-5800e38f14b5/roslaunch-URANUS-692.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://localhost:46479/
* /a1_default_foot_pos_FL_x: 0.17
* /a1_default_foot_pos_FL_y: 0.15
* /a1_default_foot_pos_FL_z: -0.35
* /a1_default_foot_pos_FR_x: 0.17
* /a1_default_foot_pos_FR_y: -0.15
* /a1_default_foot_pos_FR_z: -0.35
* /a1_default_foot_pos_RL_x: -0.17
* /a1_default_foot_pos_RL_y: 0.15
* /a1_default_foot_pos_RL_z: -0.35
* /a1_default_foot_pos_RR_x: -0.17
* /a1_default_foot_pos_RR_y: -0.15
* /a1_default_foot_pos_RR_z: -0.35
* /a1_gait_counter_speed_FL: 1.5
* /a1_gait_counter_speed_FR: 1.5
* /a1_gait_counter_speed_RL: 1.5
* /a1_gait_counter_speed_RR: 1.5
* /a1_kd_foot_x: 10.0
* /a1_kd_foot_y: 10.0
* /a1_kd_foot_z: 5.0
* /a1_km_foot_x: 0.1
* /a1_km_foot_y: 0.1
* /a1_km_foot_z: 0.1
* /a1_kp_foot_x: 200.0
* /a1_kp_foot_y: 200.0
* /a1_kp_foot_z: 150.0
* /a1_robot_mass: 12.0
* /a1_trunk_inertia_xx: 0.0158533
* /a1_trunk_inertia_xy: 0.0
* /a1_trunk_inertia_xz: 0.0
* /a1_trunk_inertia_yy: 0.0377999
* /a1_trunk_inertia_yz: 0.0
* /a1_trunk_inertia_zz: 0.0456542
* /q_weights_0: 20.0
* /q_weights_10: 30.0
* /q_weights_11: 10.0
* /q_weights_12: 0.0
* /q_weights_1: 10.0
* /q_weights_2: 1.0
* /q_weights_3: 0.0
* /q_weights_4: 0.0
* /q_weights_5: 420.0
* /q_weights_6: 0.05
* /q_weights_7: 0.05
* /q_weights_8: 0.05
* /q_weights_9: 30.0
* /r_weights_0: 1e-7
* /r_weights_10: 1e-7
* /r_weights_11: 1e-7
* /r_weights_1: 1e-7
* /r_weights_2: 1e-7
* /r_weights_3: 1e-7
* /r_weights_4: 1e-7
* /r_weights_5: 1e-7
* /r_weights_6: 1e-7
* /r_weights_7: 1e-7
* /r_weights_8: 1e-7
* /r_weights_9: 1e-7
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.13
* /stance_leg_control_type: 1
* /use_sim_time: True
gazebo_a1_ctrl (a1_cpp/gazebo_a1_ctrl)
process[gazebo_a1_ctrl-1]: started with pid [701]
init A1RobotControl
init A1RobotControl
init nh
Enter thread 1: compute desired ground forces
Enter thread 2: update robot states, compute desired swing legs forces, compute desired joint torques, and send commands
foot_pos_recent_contact z: 0 0 0 0
[DEBUG] [1663570540.605644433, 24.637500000]: Trying to publish message of type [nav_msgs/Odometry/cd5e73d190d741a2f92e81eda573aca7] on a publisher with type [nav_msgs/Odometry/cd5e73d190d741a2f92e81eda573aca7]
[DEBUG] [1663570540.606794327, 24.637600000]: Trying to publish message of type [std_msgs/Float64/fdb28210bfa9d7c91146260178d9a584] on a publisher with type [std_msgs/Float64/fdb28210bfa9d7c91146260178d9a584]
desire pitch in deg: 0
terrain angle: 0
[DEBUG] [1663570540.606865943, 24.637600000]: Trying to publish message of type [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd/bbb3b7d91319c3a1b99055f0149ba221] on a publisher with type [unitree_legged_msgs/MotorCmd/bbb3b7d91319c3a1b99055f0149ba221]
ERROR in LDL_factor: Error in KKT matrix LDL factorization when computing the nonzero elements. The problem seems to be non-convex
ERROR in osqp_setup: KKT matrix factorization.
The problem seems to be non-convex.
[OsqpEigen::Solver::initSolver] Unable to setup the workspace.
[OsqpEigen::Solver::solveProblem] The solve has not been initialized yet. Please call initSolver() method.
[OsqpEigen::Solver::solve] Unable to solve the problem.
[gazebo_a1_ctrl-1] process has died [pid 701, exit code -11, cmd /root/A1_ctrl_ws/devel/lib/a1_cpp/gazebo_a1_ctrl __name:=gazebo_a1_ctrl __log:=/root/.ros/log/d7c301c8-37e7-11ed-ae13-5800e38f14b5/gazebo_a1_ctrl-1.log].
log file: /root/.ros/log/d7c301c8-37e7-11ed-ae13-5800e38f14b5/gazebo_a1_ctrl-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Do you have any idea what is causing this error?
i met this problem before. you can try to ros echo /torso_odom
,see if there is anything like orientation.w odom->pose.pose.orientation.x ...
. If not, then you probably meet the same problem as me, RotationMatrix become 0 in Matrix A. You need to copy the functions in gt_pose_callback
to imu_callback
. After that, the imu_callback
should look like this:
void GazeboA1ROS::imu_callback(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr &imu) {
a1_ctrl_states.root_quat = Eigen::Quaterniond(quat_w.CalculateAverage(imu->orientation.w),
a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat = a1_ctrl_states.root_quat.toRotationMatrix();
a1_ctrl_states.imu_acc = Eigen::Vector3d(
a1_ctrl_states.imu_ang_vel = Eigen::Vector3d(
a1_ctrl_states.root_ang_vel = a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat * a1_ctrl_states.imu_ang_vel;
a1_ctrl_states.root_euler = Utils::quat_to_euler(a1_ctrl_states.root_quat);
double yaw_angle = a1_ctrl_states.root_euler[2];
a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat_z = Eigen::AngleAxisd(yaw_angle, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
// FL, FR, RL, RR
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEG; ++i) {
a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_kin.fk(
a1_ctrl_states.joint_pos.segment<3>(3 * i),
rho_opt_list[i], rho_fix_list[i]);
a1_ctrl_states.j_foot.block<3, 3>(3 * i, 3 * i) = a1_kin.jac(
a1_ctrl_states.joint_pos.segment<3>(3 * i),
rho_opt_list[i], rho_fix_list[i]);
Eigen::Matrix3d tmp_mtx = a1_ctrl_states.j_foot.block<3, 3>(3 * i, 3 * i);
Eigen::Vector3d tmp_vec = a1_ctrl_states.joint_vel.segment<3>(3 * i);
a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i) = tmp_mtx * tmp_vec;
a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat * a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i);
a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat * a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i);
a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_world.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) + a1_ctrl_states.root_pos;
a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_world.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) + a1_ctrl_states.root_lin_vel;
I'm not sure what causes the problem. I guess maybe it's the unitree sdk version
I guess you are right; it seems there is some problem related to /torso_odom
. I will look into the problem.
Here is my output for rostopic echo /torso_odom
. Note that rostopic echo /trunk_imu
works fine.
root@URANUS:~/A1_ctrl_ws# rostopic echo /torso_odom
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active.
Is /clock being published?
@P1terQ Add an enormous number of points to USTC!
i met this problem before. you can try to
ros echo /torso_odom
,see if there is anything likeorientation.w odom->pose.pose.orientation.x ...
. If not, then you probably meet the same problem as me, RotationMatrix become 0 in Matrix A. You need to copy the functions ingt_pose_callback
. After that, theimu_callback
should look like this:void GazeboA1ROS::imu_callback(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr &imu) { a1_ctrl_states.root_quat = Eigen::Quaterniond(quat_w.CalculateAverage(imu->orientation.w), quat_x.CalculateAverage(imu->orientation.x), quat_y.CalculateAverage(imu->orientation.y), quat_z.CalculateAverage(imu->orientation.z)); a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat = a1_ctrl_states.root_quat.toRotationMatrix(); a1_ctrl_states.imu_acc = Eigen::Vector3d( acc_x.CalculateAverage(imu->linear_acceleration.x), acc_y.CalculateAverage(imu->linear_acceleration.y), acc_z.CalculateAverage(imu->linear_acceleration.z) ); a1_ctrl_states.imu_ang_vel = Eigen::Vector3d( gyro_x.CalculateAverage(imu->angular_velocity.x), gyro_y.CalculateAverage(imu->angular_velocity.y), gyro_z.CalculateAverage(imu->angular_velocity.z) ); a1_ctrl_states.root_ang_vel = a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat * a1_ctrl_states.imu_ang_vel; a1_ctrl_states.root_euler = Utils::quat_to_euler(a1_ctrl_states.root_quat); double yaw_angle = a1_ctrl_states.root_euler[2]; a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat_z = Eigen::AngleAxisd(yaw_angle, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()); // FL, FR, RL, RR for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEG; ++i) { a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_kin.fk( a1_ctrl_states.joint_pos.segment<3>(3 * i), rho_opt_list[i], rho_fix_list[i]); a1_ctrl_states.j_foot.block<3, 3>(3 * i, 3 * i) = a1_kin.jac( a1_ctrl_states.joint_pos.segment<3>(3 * i), rho_opt_list[i], rho_fix_list[i]); Eigen::Matrix3d tmp_mtx = a1_ctrl_states.j_foot.block<3, 3>(3 * i, 3 * i); Eigen::Vector3d tmp_vec = a1_ctrl_states.joint_vel.segment<3>(3 * i); a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i) = tmp_mtx * tmp_vec; a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat * a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i); a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.root_rot_mat * a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_rel.block<3, 1>(0, i); a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_world.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.foot_pos_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) + a1_ctrl_states.root_pos; a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_world.block<3, 1>(0, i) = a1_ctrl_states.foot_vel_abs.block<3, 1>(0, i) + a1_ctrl_states.root_lin_vel; } }
I'm not sure what causes the problem. I guess maybe it's the unitree sdk version
I copy pasted the code in the imu_callback function and did catkin build, but I am still getting the same error. This didn't help. The error only happens when I simulate the robot in the same container as the controller.