
Results 24 comments of Shujaat

@bfinlay Thanks for asking. I later found that my scenario is already supported by the package. I'll still explain it: The parent row in my case is generated by (PHP)...

Is there a workaround for this? Facing it in my project that I'm trying to port from WPF to MAUI.

Happens in VS2022 17.9.6 when project is run in Windows, while Android emulator working fine. Happens in the MainPage's NavigatedTo event handler when I'm directing user to LoginPage if user...

Facing this on Windows build in debug mode. I'm using VS2022 (17.9.6) with .NET 8. Is there a workaround for it? **Edit** Further digging reveals that using `TargetName="MyControlName"` in `DataTrigger`'s...