Shuhao Zhang (Tony)
Shuhao Zhang (Tony)
Processing Flows of Information: From Data Stream to Complex Event Processing
Transactional Composition of Executions in StreamProcessing
TSpoon: Transactions on a stream processor
FlowDB: Integrating Stream Processing and Consistent State Management
Consistent Streaming Through Time: A Vision for Event Stream Processing
Stateful Functions as a Service in Action
Hi, Currently, no. You are very welcome to implement it on briskstream. You may want to checkout "" and implement one simple application by mimic the "WordCount" application. Please remember...
Hi, For wordcount, I used ./briskstream/common/src/main/java/applications/tools/ to **generate** the datasets. The input source is Linux dictionary, normally at /usr/share/dict/words. Besides, if you just need to run the program, you can...
Hi, Sure, please also remember to configure your machine specification accordingly as done in ./briskstream/common/src/main/java/applications/ ./briskstream/common/src/main/java/applications/ Then, specify which machine you are using by passing "--machine" argument. Thanks! Tony
Hi Zongxiong, The report of throughput of each operator (executor specifically) is measured by the number of function invocation divided by the total duration. This is more for **debug** purpose....