Discord_CDN icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Discord_CDN copied to clipboard

Bypasses the new Discord Expiry time on download links.


Discord CDN V2

Updates any old/expired Discord download links.



There are two ways to use the HTTP server

Way 1

Simply paste the Discord URL at the end of your server URL


Way 2

Replace the cdn.discord.app.com with your URL. Make sure to change HTTPS to HTTP unless you have configured HTTPS through something like CloudFlare.


Using as a Library

If you wish to use Discord CDN as a library, check the code example below.

You may also check src/server.ts to see how the HTTP server uses it.

import { Discord, getConfig } from "PATH_TO_DISCORD_CDN"

//getConfig will parse the config from .env
//if you wish to pass your own config object, check the `src/Types/IConfig.ts` interface

async function dev() {
    try {
        let config = await getConfig();
        let discord = new Discord(config);
        let link = await discord.fetchLatestLink("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/763509665585561610/1216965708911480923/image.png?ex=")
    } catch (ex) {


Installation and Setup

Download the repo

git clone https://github.com/ShufflePerson/Discord_CDN.git
cd Discord_CDN


Download the repo as a zip and extract it to a folder.

Setup Environment file ( .env )

Fill the values in the .env.example and rename .env.example to simply .env

    • A Discord Account Token, used for fetching the link
    • If Discord removes the endpoint for fetching a non-expired link, fallback to the V1 lookup.
  • PORT
    • Specifies what port the HTTP server will be running on.

How to get your token

  1. Open Discord on your Browser.
  2. Open the Dev Tools ( Inspect Element )
  3. Go to the Console Tab and paste in the following command
  4. console.log((webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[''],{},e=>{m=[];for(let c in e.c)m.push(e.c[c])}]),m).find(m=>m?.exports?.default?.getToken!==void 0).exports.default.getToken());
  5. Copy the output and set it in the .env file. (e.g TOKEN=PASTE_TOKEN_HERE)


Install packages

yarn install

Start the server

yarn pnpify tsc
yarn node ./dist/server.js


Install packages

npm run setup

Start the server

This will also recompile the code.

npm run start


You may contact me on my Discord: _.shuffle._