Shubham Palriwala

Results 46 comments of Shubham Palriwala

@tixxdz Could you please help me out with the above whenever you get some time, thanks!

Can we close this issue now as it is solved (readthedocs sends a 404 maze)? @IrinaMBejan

Hey, so we can have the `DisabledValidators`, `Invulnerables`, and `OffendingValidators` use the BoundedVec. Apart from that. how are we having an upper limit, is it static or dynamic? And how...

This issue seems inactive! Would like to take this up and fix this ASAP! Just read the Newcomers docs and I need to get myself assigned before I start working....

Just faced the exact same bug when trying to [run a test here]( in Tracee with: ```sh tracee/cmd/tracee-ebpf/internal/printer go test -v ```

Curl does not show the response in a pretty format and lacks other detailed stats such as - Response Status Code, - Time taken, - Total Data received, etc. Having...

Hey @willfindlay, I would like to take this up as this would help me also get exposed to Tetragon function by function. Let me know how I can start with...

hey @mtardy definitely! but would need some help since ive lost touch w the ebpf space lately :( do you have an issue in mind where i can kick things...

ahh thanks! let me get some time and run tetragon locally first on my arch, play around a bit, and then i'll get back to you! thanks a ton for...

Hey @manish-singh-bisht, thanks a lot for working on all the pending tasks 💪🏼 I just tested the functionality & it all seems to work nicely! Can you resolve the merge...