RCTRefreshControl copied to clipboard
React-Native 0.16.0: 'RCTSparseArray.h' file not found
According to some highlights of the release here: http://www.reactnative.com/react-native-v0-16-0-rc-and-v0-15-0-released/
RCTSparseArray was replaced by NSDictionary.
Will you upgrade?
@DickyT — I'm looking into fixing this issue. Your repo doesn't have an issues page, but the plan is to submit a PR to your repo. Sound good?
@rreusser that will be great, thx!
Thanks! @rreusser @DickyT
I got sidetracked because we ran into like fifty problems when we upgraded to RN 0.16 and ended up downgrading until some things are straightened out, but I'll test this out today.
For anyone wondering, it appears it really might just be as simple as running s/RCTSparseArray/NSDictionary/g
on the file. It appears it's just a change in argument type with no change in behavior, correct?
See: https://github.com/Shuangzuan/RCTRefreshControl/blob/master/RCTRefreshControl.m#L27-L29
@rreusser I think you are correct.
PS. I just answered the wrong stuff and I deleted one response, never mind if you guys see an email
@rreusser - Your repo works! :+1: But the npm version is outdated, so could you push the new version online?
Thanks! You too @DickyT
UIRefreshControl have been added to core since 0.16.0. https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/4205
@samuelkraft - Cool, but I like the refresh-thingy from this module better though
RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry
NSDictionary<NSNumber *, UIView *> *viewRegistry
Just use my fork version here.It seems that this repo is not under mantainess any more.The fork version will keep update to latest react-native version. @richarddewit @ivanbrens @plrthink and you can use
$ npm install react-native-drop-refresh
to install that npm package.It's now compatible with react-native 0.20.0