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Wall panel mode for your Home Assistant Lovelace dashboard with more focus on screensaver. Configurable extension which features a fullscreen kiosk mode, image and weather-clock screensaver, screen wa...

[DEPRECATED] Lovelace Wallpanel Screensaver

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Wall panel mode for your Home Assistant Lovelace dashboard with more focus on screensaver. Configurable extension which features a fullscreen kiosk mode, image and weather-clock screensaver, screen wake lock and the ability to hide side and top bar.

Screenshot of screensaver Screenshot of screensaver


This HA frontend plugin has been deprecated for following reasons,

  1. I'm not getting enough time to work on this project.
  2. The development of original repo (from which this repo was forked from) has been resumed by the main developer with similar and better implementation of features.

Installation and Upgrade


~~HACS Default~~

  1. ~~Install HACS.~~
  2. ~~Go to HACS => Frontend and click on EXPLORE & DOWNLOAD REPOSITORIES button.~~
  3. ~~Search Lovelace Wallpanel Screensaver on opened Add repository dialog.~~
  4. ~~Select the version you want to install (latest preferred).~~
  5. ~~Click on install button.~~
  6. ~~Reload the webpage in your browser.~~

~~HACS Custom~~

  1. ~~Install HACS.~~
  2. ~~Go to HACS => Frontend.~~
  3. ~~Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner.~~
  4. ~~Select Custom repositories.~~
  5. ~~Copy and add the URL of this repository in repository text edit field.~~
  6. ~~Select the correct category: Lovelace.~~
  7. ~~Click the "ADD" button.~~
  8. ~~Reload the webpage in your browser.~~


  1. Download latest from releases and extract it into the folder config/www/lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver/.
    Download the contents of dist directory and place them into the folder config/www/lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver/.
  2. Open Home Assistant Configuration => Lovelace Dashboards => Resources and add /local/lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver/wallpanel-screensaver.js (Resource type: JavaScript module).


  1. Download latest from releases and extract it into the folder config/www/lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver/.
    Download the contents of dist directory and place them into the folder config/www/lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver/.
  2. Open Home Assistant Configuration => Lovelace Dashboards => Resources and modify the resource URL to force browsers to reload the resource. For example, you could add or change the query string: /local/lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver/wallpanel-screensaver.js?v2
    └── ...
    └── configuration.yaml
    └── www
        └── lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver
            └── wallpanel-screensaver.js
            └── weather-icons


Lovelace Dashboard YAML

Lovelace Dashboard YAML

You can add the configuration in the format given below to your lovelace dashboard configuration yaml file (at the top of raw config).

  • Make sure enabled: true is set if you want the wallpanel-screensaver to work by default for a dashboard.
  • If you want to enable the wallpanel-screensaver for a dashboard displayed on a specific browser or device, then that is also possible. Refer "URL Query Parameters" section below for details.

Default Config:

  enabled: false
  debug: false
  hide_toolbar: false
  hide_sidebar: false
  fullscreen: false
  idle_time: 15
  fade_in_time: 3.0
  crossfade_time: 3.0
  display_time: 15.0
  screensaver_tint: 25
  display_tint: 0
  keep_screen_on_time: 0
  black_screen_after_time: 0
  weather_entity: "weather.home"
  image_url: '${width}/${height}?random=${timestamp}'
  image_fit: cover
  info_update_interval: 30
  info_position_update_interval: 30
  info_position_crossfade_time: 3.0
      font-size: 8vh
      font-weight: 600
      color: '#ffffff'
      text-shadow: '-2px -2px 0 #000000, 2px -2px 0 #000000, -2px 2px 0 #000000, 2px 2px 0 #000000'
      font-size: 15vh
      font-weight: 1200
      color: '#ffffff'
      text-shadow: '-2.5px -2.5px 0 #000000, 2.5px -2.5px 0 #000000, -2.5px 2.5px 0 #000000, 2.5px 2.5px 0 #000000'
      font-size: 5vh
      font-weight: 400
      color: '#ffffff'
      text-shadow: '-1.5px -1.5px 0 #000000, 1.5px -1.5px 0 #000000, -1.5px 1.5px 0 #000000, 1.5px 1.5px 0 #000000'
      display: 'inline'
      vertical-align: 'top'
      position: 'relative'
      left: -36px
      width: 64px
      height: 64px
      vertical-align: 'middle'
      position: 'relative'
      left: 12px
      width: 64px
      height: 64px
      vertical-align: 'middle'
  info_template: '
    <div id="wallpanel-screensaver-info-weather">
		  		<th><img id="weather-temperature-icon" src="{{ filesParentPath }}/weather-icons/thermometer.svg"/></th>
 		  		<th>{{ states[config.weather_entity].attributes.temperature }}°&ensp;</th>
 		  		<th><img id="weather-state-icon" src="{{ filesParentPath }}/weather-icons/{{ states[config.weather_entity].state }}-sun-{{ states["sun.sun"].state.replace("_", "-"); }}.svg"/></th>
  				<th>{{ states[config.weather_entity].state.replace(/(^|\s)[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]/g, c => c.toUpperCase()) }}</th>
	  <div id="wallpanel-screensaver-info-time">{{ (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, {hour: "2-digit", minute:"2-digit", hour12: config.hour_12}) }}</div>
	  <div id="wallpanel-screensaver-info-date">{{ (new Date()).toLocaleDateString(undefined, {weekday: "short", year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric"}) }}</div>'
URL Query Parameters

URL Query Parameters

It is also possible to pass configuration parameters in the query string. These parameters (wpss_<parameter>) will override the corresponding properties in the yaml configuration. This will allow you to use browser or device specific settings. Use JSON syntax for the values.

Example: http://hass:8123/lovelace/default_view?wpss_hide_sidebar=false&wpss_idle_time=60&wpss_style={"wallpanel-screensaver-info-date":{"font-size":"10vh"}}

Activate on individual devices only

  1. Set enabled to false in your dashboard configuration.
  enabled: false
  1. Add a query string to the URL to activate on a device: http://hass:8123/lovelace/default_view?wpss_enabled=true


Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameters

You can set the following configuration parameters for every individual lovelace dashboard:

Parameter Description Data Type Default
enabled Enable wallpanel-screensaver?
You will need to set this to true to activate the wallpanel-screensaver for the dashboard.
Boolean false
debug Show debug output. Boolean false
hide_toolbar Hide the upper panel toolbar. Boolean false
hide_sidebar Hide the navigation sidebar. Boolean false
fullscreen Set browser window to fullscreen?
Due to browser restrictions you will need to interact with the screen once to activate fullscreen mode after loading the dashboard page.
Boolean false
idle_time Time in seconds after which the screensaver will start (0 = screensaver disabled). Number (Integer/Float) 15.0
fade_in_time Screensaver fade-in time in seconds. Number (Integer/Float) 3.0
crossfade_time Crossfade duration in seconds for screensaver images. Number (Integer/Float) 3.0
display_time Duration in seconds after which the next screensaver image will be shown. Number (Integer/Float) 15.0
screensaver_tint Tint the screensaver on a scale of 0 (transparent) - 100 (Opaque). Useful for adjusting the visibily of information box views from a distance. Number (Integer) 25
display_tint Tint the display on a scale of 0 (transparent) - 100 (Opaque) when screensaver is active. Number (Integer) 0
keep_screen_on_time Time in seconds for how long to prevent screen to dim or lock (0 = disabled).
Due to browser restrictions you will need to interact with the screen once to activate screen wake lock after loading the dashboard page.
Number (Integer/Float) 0
black_screen_after_time Time in seconds after which the screensaver will show just a black screen (0 = disabled). Number (Integer/Float) 0
hour_12 The flag which sets the time format as follows,
• true: 12-hour format
• false: 24-hour format
• undefined or null: Locale default format
Boolean null
weather_entity Pass the weather entity if home name is not default (Home) in your Home Assistant setup (Pass empty string to disable the default weather info view). String weather.home
image_url Fetch screensaver images from this URL (Pass empty string to disable photo screensaver and instead have a black screen screensaver). See below for details. String See below
image_fit Value to be used for the CSS-property 'object-fit' of the images (possible values are: cover / contain / fill / ...). String cover
info_update_interval Update interval for the information on the screen (0 = disabled or hidden). Number (Integer/Float) 30.0
info_position_update_interval Time interval in seconds at which information box position will be randomly changed on the screensaver screen to avoid screen burn issue on always-on screens (0 = disabled). Number (Integer/Float) 30.0
info_position_crossfade_time Info box position crossfade duration in seconds. Number (Integer/Float) 3.0
style Additional CSS styles for wallpanel-screensaver elements. See below for details. Dictionary See below
night_mode Configuration of wallpanel-screensaver to be used during night time. See below for details. Dictionary {}
info_template Info box content HTML template. See below for details. String See below
Setting URL for Images

Setting URL for Images

Screensaver images will be fetched from the URL passed under image_url parameter. This can be any HTTP URL or a Home Assistant media-source URL.

The following variables can be used in supported HTTP URLs to fetch random images:

  • ${timestamp} = current unix timestamp
  • ${width} = viewport width
  • ${height} = viewport height

Tested URLs:

1. or HTTP URL (Default)
  image_url: '${width}/${height}?random=${timestamp}' 


  image_url: '${width}/${height}?random=${timestamp}' 

Refer for advanced configuration like grayscale and blurred images.

2. Home Assistant media-source URL

Just set the image_url to a media-source URL as displayed in the URL of the Home Assistant Media Browser. See Home Assistant Media Source integration documentation for details.

  • media-source://media_source = Images in all Local Media sources
  • media-source://media_source/media1 = Images in the Local Media directory named media1
  • media-source://media_source/media1/folder1 = Images in folder1 of the Local Media directory named media1

Instead of using media-source://media_source/media1/folder1 as image_url you can just use /media1/folder1 as a shortcut.

  image_url: 'media-source://media_source/media1/folder1' 


  image_url: '/media1/folder1' 
Configuration of Night Mode

Configuration of Night Mode

If you want to have a different configuration for wallpanel-screensaver at night time then it is possible to configure the following parameters under night_mode parameter:

Parameter Description Requirement Data Type Example
start_time Time in 'HH:mm' string format at which Night Mode config is activated. Mandatory String '23:00'
end_time Time in 'HH:mm' string format at which Night Mode config is de-activated. Mandatory String '6:00'
idle_time Time in seconds after which the screensaver will start (0 = screensaver disabled). Optional Number (Integer/Float) 15.0
fade_in_time Screensaver fade-in time in seconds. Optional Number (Integer/Float) 3.0
crossfade_time Crossfade duration in seconds for screensaver images. Optional Number (Integer/Float) 3.0
display_time Duration in seconds after which the next screensaver image will be shown. Optional Number (Integer/Float) 15.0
screensaver_tint Tint the screensaver on a scale of 0 (transparent) - 100 (Opaque). Useful for adjusting the visibily of information box views from a distance. Optional Number (Integer) 25
display_tint Tint the display on a scale of 0 (transparent) - 100 (Opaque) when screensaver is active. Optional Number (Integer) 0
keep_screen_on_time Time in seconds for how long to prevent screen to dim or lock (0 = disabled).
Due to browser restrictions you will need to interact with the screen once to activate screen wake lock after loading the dashboard page.
Optional Number (Integer/Float) 0
black_screen_after_time Time in seconds after which the screensaver will show just a black screen (0 = disabled). Optional Number (Integer/Float) 0
image_url Fetch screensaver images from this URL (Pass empty string to disable photo screensaver and instead have a black screen screensaver). See above for details. Optional String See above
info_update_interval Update interval for the information on the screen (0 = disabled or hidden). Optional Number (Integer/Float) 30.0
info_position_update_interval Time interval in seconds at which information box position will be randomly changed on the screensaver screen to avoid screen burn issue on always-on screens (0 = disabled). Optional Number (Integer/Float) 30.0
info_position_crossfade_time Info box position crossfade duration in seconds. Optional Number (Integer/Float) 3.0
style Additional CSS styles for wallpanel-screensaver elements. See below for details. Optional Dictionary See below
info_template Info box content HTML template. See below for details. Optional String See below


The following example dims the display, disables photo screensaver and reduces screensaver start time between 23:00 to 05:00 everyday.

  enabled: true
  idle_time: 60
    start_time: '23:00'
    end_time: '05:00'
    idle_time: 15
    display_tint: 75
    image_url: ''
Styling Info Box Elements

Styling Info Box Elements

The wallpanel-screensaver HTML elements can be styled as per CSS stylesheet language. The main element wallpanel-screensaver-info-box and all of it's contents (information elements) can be styled under style parameter.

The default value of the style parameter is:

  font-size: 8vh
  font-weight: 600
  color: '#ffffff'
  text-shadow: '-2px -2px 0 #000000, 2px -2px 0 #000000, -2px 2px 0 #000000, 2px 2px 0 #000000'
  font-size: 15vh
  font-weight: 1200
  color: '#ffffff'
  text-shadow: '-2.5px -2.5px 0 #000000, 2.5px -2.5px 0 #000000, -2.5px 2.5px 0 #000000, 2.5px 2.5px 0 #000000'
  font-size: 5vh
  font-weight: 400
  color: '#ffffff'
  text-shadow: '-1.5px -1.5px 0 #000000, 1.5px -1.5px 0 #000000, -1.5px 1.5px 0 #000000, 1.5px 1.5px 0 #000000'
  display: 'inline'
  vertical-align: 'top'
  position: 'relative'
  left: -36px
  width: 64px
  height: 64px
  vertical-align: 'middle'
  position: 'relative'
  left: 12px
  width: 64px
  height: 64px
  vertical-align: 'middle'
Info Box Templating (Advanced Usage)

Info Box Templating (Advanced Usage)

The screensaver info box will be built from HTML code in info_template parameter. JavaScript expression in between {{ }} will be evaluated.

The following variables can be used to fetch the dynamic data and resources while the wallpanel-screensaver is running,

  • The local object states can be used to access all entity states of the Home Assistant state machine.
  • The global object config can be used to access currently applied configuration of the wallpanel-screensaver.
  • The global string filesParentPath can be used to access the path to the folder where the wallpanel-screensaver files are located.

The default value of the info_template parameter is:

<div id="wallpanel-screensaver-info-weather">
  		<th><img id="weather-temperature-icon" src="{{ filesParentPath }}/weather-icons/thermometer.svg"/></th>
  		<th>{{ states[config.weather_entity].attributes.temperature }}°&ensp;</th>
  		<th><img id="weather-state-icon" src="{{ filesParentPath }}/weather-icons/{{ states[config.weather_entity].state }}-sun-{{ states["sun.sun"].state.replace("_", "-"); }}.svg"/></th>
		<th>{{ states[config.weather_entity].state.replace(/(^|\s)[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]/g, c => c.toUpperCase()) }}</th>
<div id="wallpanel-screensaver-info-time">{{ (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, {hour: "2-digit", minute:"2-digit", hour12: config.hour_12}) }}</div>
<div id="wallpanel-screensaver-info-date">{{ (new Date()).toLocaleDateString(undefined, {weekday: "short", year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric"}) }}</div>

The CSS styles of the HTML elements used in info_template parameter can also be passed in style parameter (Make sure to properly ID the elements that are required to be styled).

Using Icons and Resources (Advanced Usage)

Using Icons and Resources (Advanced Usage)

Weather Icons

If you want to replace existing weather icons or want to use additional weather icons based on different weather providers on Home Assistant then you can replace or add additional icons at the following location,

    └── ...
    └── configuration.yaml
    └── www
        └── lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver
            └── wallpanel-screensaver.js
            └── weather-icons <---------- // ADD OR REPLACE INSIDE THIS FOLDER // 
                └── xyz1.svg
                └── xyz2.svg
                └── ...

Naming convention used for default weather icons is as follows,

{{ weather.entity_name.state }}-sun-{{ sun.sun.state }}.svg
    |                                   |
    |                                   |
    |                                   └─> // This provides day or night info (Eg: above-horizon and below-horizon) // 
    └─> // This provides current weather state (Eg: cloudy, lightning-rainy, snowy) // 

NOTE: The cache of the browser or Home Assistant companion app has to cleared and a hard reload or refresh of the dashboard page is required for the replaced weather icons to appear on the wallpanel-screensaver.

Additional Resources (to use in info_template)

If you want to use additional resources (like icons, images) in the info_template parameter to build a custom info box then you can add additional resources at the following location,

    └── ...
    └── configuration.yaml
    └── www
        └── lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver <----- // ADD ADDITIONAL RESOURCES INSIDE THIS FOLDER // 
            └── wallpanel-screensaver.js
            └── weather-icons 
                └── xyz1.svg
                └── xyz2.svg
                └── ...

Once you have added the needed resource files in the wallpanel-screensaver files directory, you can access the resources using filesParentPath variable in the info_template parameter.


Additional Resources Path:

    └── ...
    └── configuration.yaml
    └── www
        └── lovelace-wallpanel-screensaver  
            └── wallpanel-screensaver.js
            └── ...
            └── my-photos <----- // ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOLDER ADDED HERE //
                └── my-photo-1.png
                └── ...

Dashboard YAML Config:

  info_template: '<img id="my-photo" src="{{ filesParentPath }}/my-photos/my-photo-1.png"/>'

NOTE: The cache of the browser or Home Assistant companion app has to cleared and a hard reload or refresh of the dashboard page is required for the replaced resources to appear on the wallpanel-screensaver.

Usage Examples

View Examples

1. Default screensaver (with default config)

  enabled: true
  weather_entity: "weather.mansion"

Screenshot of screensaver

2. Black weather-clock screensaver

  enabled: true
  idle_time: 10
  weather_entity: "weather.mansion"
  image_url: ''
  info_update_interval: 30

Screenshot of screensaver

3. Photos only screensaver

  enabled: true
  idle_time: 10
  info_update_interval: 0
  screensaver_tint: 0

Screenshot of screensaver

4. Dim or tinted display screensaver

  enabled: true
  idle_time: 10
  weather_entity: "weather.mansion"
  screensaver_tint: 25
  display_tint: 75

Screenshot of screensaver

To-do List

View List
  • [x] Night Mode
  • [x] Weather Icons
  • [ ] HA sensor based control
  • [x] Local storage images access
  • [ ] Network storage images access (HTTP, FTP, ...)
  • [ ] Third party photo services (Google Photos, ...)


  • This project uses weather icons from licensed under MIT license.
  • This project is forked from licensed under GPL-3.0 license.