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An error occurs if there is a newline in the dictionary of the Vim9 script loaded in the hooks_file.

Open hokorobi opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments


An error occurs if there is a newline in the dictionary of the Vim9 script loaded in the hooks_file. Code of Cause in Minimal Config:

g:quickrun_config._ = {
  'runner': 'job',
  'outputter': 'buffer',
  'outputter/buffer/close_on_empty': 1,

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. gvim.exe -N -u ~/vimfiles/vimrc-min-dein-hooks_file-vim9 -U NONE -i NONE See Minimal Config
  2. :call dein#recache_runtimepath()
  3. :quit
  4. gvim.exe -N -u ~/vimfiles/vimrc-min-dein-hooks_file-vim9 -U NONE -i NONE
  5. :set ft=vim
  6. input echo 'vim'
  7. :QuickRun
  8. Error occured See Screenshots. Errors encountered are displayed by :messages.

Expected behavior

No error.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.



Please complete the following information, when reporting bugs related to the Dein.vim.

  • OS: Windows11
  • Vim or Neovim version: Vim 9.0.1491
  • Commit/Version: 6f40e084

Minimal Config


set nocompatible
set runtimepath+=C:\Users\hokorobi\_vim\dein\repos\\Shougo\dein.vim
let g:testdic = {}
if dein#min#load_state(expand('~/_vim/dein'))
  call dein#begin('~/_vim/dein')
  call dein#add('thinca/vim-quickrun', #{
        \ on_cmd: 'QuickRun',
        \ hooks_file: '~/vimfiles/vimrc-min-dein-hooks_file-vim9_quickrun.vim',
        \ })
  call dein#end()
  call dein#save_state()
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable


" hook_source {{{
g:quickrun_config = get(g:, 'quickrun_config', {})
g:quickrun_config._ = {
  'runner': 'job',
  'outputter': 'buffer',
  'outputter/buffer/close_on_empty': 1,
" }}}

hokorobi avatar May 01 '23 07:05 hokorobi

OH no.

Shougo avatar May 01 '23 07:05 Shougo is needed.

Shougo avatar May 01 '23 08:05 Shougo works. Please test.

Shougo avatar May 01 '23 11:05 Shougo

Thank you! I will try to use it when PR is merged.

hokorobi avatar May 01 '23 11:05 hokorobi