Please test the latest plugins and Vim again.
I don't reproduce your error but the error message is displayed. ``` [denops] Error: Failed to call denops#api#eval("lsp#send_request(l:server, extend(l:request,{'on_notification': {data -> denops#notify(l:name, l:id, [data])}}) )", {"server":"deno","request":{"method":"completionItem/resolve","params":{"label":"at","commitCharacters":[".",",",";"],"data":{"tsc":{"specifier":"file:///h ome/shougo/work/test.ts","name":"at","position":3,"useCodeSnippet":true}},"sortText":"11","kind":2}},"name":"ddc","id":"lambda:ddc:1bfebdd2-4f95-4d3f-8e8c-b5f8 34e9df8f","bufnr":1}): Vim(echomsg):E121: Undefined...
> Since I'm getting nowhere, should I create a pull request for the ddc-source-lsp that works in my environment? OK. Please create it. I will test it later.
@uga-rosa What do you think?
@Song-Tianxiang If you really need the feature, you can contribute it.
Unfortunately, the parser is not maintained well. You can create the PR. こちらでも紹介されていますね。 phpctagsより高速らしいです。
これはパッチを送る敷居がかなり下がりますね。 ``` src/testdir/ にtest89を新規追加しました。( test89.ok) テスト全体の流れを簡単に説明すると... test*.ok を test.ok にコピー。(Makefile: 70) test*.in の STARTTEST の次の行から ENDTEST の手前の行までを Xdotest というファイルに切り出して実行する。(Makefile: 73 → 実行中は基本的に自分自身にテスト結果を :$put ~ で追記していって、最後に start:という行以降を test.out に書き出す。( 63) test.outを1.のtest.okとdiff取って一致していたらtest.okをtest89.okにコピー。(Makefile:...