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[Android] Text with dynamic width parent makes text stretch/compress
So I have two skia text components beside each other horizontally and I want them to stay close. The text of the components are dynamic related to a graph. So I need the width of the text parent to change based on the text width.
This is a combination of reanimated parent view and skia text field. So might not be skia specific, but looks like it maybe. Or just me using this wrong 😊
Steps to reproduce
Per now I do something like the provided example, an animated view from reanimated (3) outside, with a canvas + text from skia inside. The reanimated view uses an animated style, with changing width based on the text, which is a shared value.
This works nicely on iOS, the view resizes nicely and the text is shown as it should.
But on Android the text get compressed/stretched a lot when changing values.
The background resizes fine in as seen in the gif, but the text compresses/stretches
Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository
text: SharedValue<string>;
fontSize: number;
const lineHeight = fontSize * 1.4;
const font = useFont(font, fontSize);
const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
const newSize =
(font?.getTextWidth(text.value) ?? 0) * offsetMultiplier;
return {
width: newSize,
height: lineHeight,
return (
<Animated.View style={animatedStyle}>
flex: 1
Note that putting both texts inside one canvas, with dynamic X position of the second text works for both iOS and Android. Which probably is the preferred way of doing this 😊
Could you try to extend the example so that I can copy it into the example app and run it? Make sure there are now other external dependencies in use except for Skia and Reanimated.
We would definitely need a small standalone reproducible example here.
Sorry for being a bit slow on providing example, I created a example from the react native starter with only skia and reanimated added here: .
Added just one text component width dynamic width, where iOS is fine and Android compresses/stretches. Might be a problem with my usage as well here, but in case it is a bug 😊
iOS test app:
Android test app:
Oups, that looks bad 😅 Thanks for taking the time to make a reproducible example. Small question: would the same bug happens too with a circle for instance? Or is it only with Text?
Oups, that looks bad 😅 Thanks for taking the time to make a reproducible example. Small question: would the same bug happens too with a circle for instance? Or is it only with Text?
Tested with circle now, it is the same behaviour as Text. Tested also with having height and width dynamic (radius*4), which made the circle not compress/stretch on android, but it got displaced when changing size. Seems like both this displacement and the compress/stretch is based on some of the last components properties.