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Shoko generates different ED2k hash than avdump for 2 files
Server Version: 4.2.2
Desktop Version: 4.2.1
2023-10-24 18:15:12
Get AniDB file info: 70542
2023-10-24 18:15:14
File 70542 (96E58FE1043EFC6A3302FFC6FC620651 | [Vivid] Suisei no Gargantia - Meguru Kouro, Haruka OVA - 01 [BD 1080p FLAC] [3D363369].mkv) could not be found on AniDB
2023-10-24 18:15:14
Get AniDB file info: 70543
2023-10-24 18:15:16
File 70543 (F3104CE90318AF633A31C74C48C0AA5B | [Vivid] Suisei no Gargantia - Meguru Kouro, Haruka OVA - 02 [BD 1080p FLAC] [EDE34F81].mkv) could not be found on AniDB
2023-10-24 18:15:16
Get AniDB file info: 70535
Very strange issue. Did add OVA for Suisei no Gargantia: Meguru Kouro, Haruka from SubGroup Vivid, for the following files:
Suisei no Gargantia: Meguru Kouro, Haruka - 1 Suisei no Gargantia: Meguru Kouro, Haruka - 1
For some reason, shoko is generating a different ed2k hash than avdump for those files, while all other hashes do match:
EP1, Shoko Hashes: CRC 32: 3D363369 MD5: F7725C6EFD96F65971A2EBFBE359E638 SHA1: 9012ED7854BFCC9AB9A11B8E3E4F1074D2A72CCE ed2k: ed2k://|file|[Vivid] Suisei no Gargantia - Meguru Kouro, Haruka OVA - 01 [BD 1080p FLAC] [3D363369].mkv|4353287981|96E58FE1043EFC6A3302FFC6FC620651|/
AniDB File Info:
avdump result: ed2k://|file|[Vivid] Suisei no Gargantia - Meguru Kouro, Haruka OVA - 01 [BD 1080p FLAC] [3D363369].mkv|4353287981|A375B63AD1DA809BBE3A4AE31E399261|/
shoko result: ed2k://|file|[Vivid] Suisei no Gargantia - Meguru Kouro, Haruka OVA - 01 [BD 1080p FLAC] [3D363369].mkv|4353287981|96E58FE1043EFC6A3302FFC6FC620651|/
When i try to add the files to anidb, after dumping them i get error, files exist:
Im not quite sure, what is going on here, why shoko for those files is generating a different ed2k hash. Other files are still importing fine so far.
1.) download specified files 2,) import files 3.) compare shoko ed2k hash with anidb, avdump hash.
Removed nyaa link
Just to be sure, but you've tried rehashing the file(s), right? @t0815
(~~Also, your Shoko Desktop is out of date, update it~~ nvm me)
yep. but, its happening for other files now too lol wth??? I'm starting to think my shoko installation might have a small corruption. Never happened before, did not update or change something. CRCs and other hashes match... so makes no sense at all. I will reinstall shoko. But whats strange, it does not happen for ALL files. Some still get correctly hashed.... unbelievable. I did try disabling AV software too... no change.
ok reinstall, no change... hmmm. I will look for an ed2k hasher tool lol and will check against calculated hash.... question is, who is wrong 😄
meh, well looks like shoko actually generates wrong hashes sometimes. Did rehash the files with eMule LinkCreator and got same result as AVDump.
And did a rehash of the file in shoko fix the hash? Or is it still wrong even after ypu have performed a rehash? (I'm asking again since i didn't get a concrete answer "yes it fixed it" or "no it didn't fix it" yesterday) @t0815
oh sorry, rehash did not fix it! I deleted (renamed and deleted from shoko, since rehash isnt working currently) the files and imported them again, still wrong hash.
But corrupt video files couldn't have been the issue anyway, since as I was writing, all other hashes did match.
Thank you for the clarifications.
@da3dsoul any ideas as to why the hash might be wrong a d rehashing is nit working (before i try to look into this)?