ECS-Game icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ECS-Game copied to clipboard

A roguelike written in Python adhering to ECS


A roguelike written in Python adhering to ECS, to the best of my abilities!


You need the following to play: Numpy 1.16.1 PIL 6.0.0 Python 3.7.0 tcod 11.0.2 attrs 19.3.0

How to play

Run to begin the game.


The numpad controls or mouse for movement.

'q', 'w', 'e', 'a, 's', 'd': use equipped item, if possible

'g': grab items

shift + 'd': drop items

shift + 'e': eat items

shift + 'j': view jobs menu

'w': wear items

'i': view your inventory

'm': view message log

'x': look around

'<' or '>': use stairs

'ESC': quit / open menu