BHIM icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BHIM copied to clipboard

πŸŽ™ Voice Payments Module for BHIM UPI App


Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) is a payment app that lets you make simple, easy and quick transactions using Unified Payments Interface (UPI). I've built a Voice Module that is lightweight in size and can be integrated into the existing BHIM App.

BHIM is released under the MIT license. Latest Version Available. GitHub Repository size. Total downloads on GitHub. Sponsor on PayPal.

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Registration Screen Voice Registration Voice Login

What’s In This Document

  • Get Up and Running in 5 Minutes
  • Flutter / Dart Packages Used
  • Versioning
  • Queries / Bugs
  • License
  • Thanks to Contributors and Sponsors

:rocket: Get Up and Running in 5 Minutes

You can get the BHIM App up and running on your local dev environment in 5 minutes with these four steps:

  1. Install the Flutter SDK & Android Studio. Instructions.

  2. Open Terminal & navigate to the root directory of the project.

    cd BHIM
  3. Run and launch the build on preferred device.

    flutter run
  4. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your app is now running on your physical device or emulator. Open the lib directory in Android Studio itself and edit *.dart files. Hot Reload your changes, and the app will update in real time!

At this point, you’ve got the fully functional BHIM App running. For additional information on how you can customize your Flutter Apps, see Google Codelabs and HackerNoon Guide.

:ballot_box: Flutter / Dart Packages Used

Package Name Package Version Package URL
url_launcher latest Open on
font_awesome_flutter latest Open on
barcode_scan latest Open on
qr_flutter latest Open on
path_provider latest Open on
screenshot_and_share latest Open on
speech_recognition latest Open on
scratcher latest Open on
http latest Open on
permission_handler latest Open on
native_contact_picker latest Open on
simple_rsa latest Open on
random_string latest Open on
shared_preferences latest Open on
recase latest Open on
file latest Open on
file_picker latest Open on
typed_data latest Open on
audio_recorder latest Open on

:label: Versioning

I've used Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 for versioning throughout the project.

:question: Queries / Bugs

If you got any queries or found a bug, open an Issue or ping me over on [email protected]

:memo: License

Licensed under the MIT License.

:purple_heart: Thanks

Thanks to all contributors and to sponsors for supporting the project.