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HowTo: Host on other providers than Vercel
SlickGPT is setup to use Vercel as hosting provider. It uses @sveltejs/adapter-vercel
and configures the endpoints in the /api dir to run as Edge functions. Create some documentation and/or branches to show how to run it on:
- Netlify
- Azure
- ?
I already tried with Netlify and encountered an unexpected issue where Netlify was not able to access env vars from $env/static/private
. See this issue for more infos and a workaround. Another problem was that longer prompts timed out because the edge/serverless functions ran too long on Netlify.
@theRealBithive It's a standard SvelteKit site, so it already is easily self-hostable. Do you have a Node server? Use @sveltejs/adapter-node
and run it. You can remove all the "third parties" (Firebase) by disabling or rewriting the Share feature (see README and #6) in like 10 minutes time because for that to work you actually need a database of some kind.
This issue is just a reminder to add some documentation or forks/branches/templates to show people how to do it in case they don't know.
In case someone wants to deploy using Railway app,
To successfully deploy the project using Railway app, I followed these steps:
Since I didn't have access to a Firebase API, I used dummy data in the .env file. This only impacts the functionality of the share button, which won't work. However, all other functions, including chat, will work without any issues.
I made the following updates in the package.json file:
Added a start script:
"start": "node build"
Included the devDependencies for
"@sveltejs/adapter-node": "^1.3.1",
- Here is the Nixpacks setup I used:
╔═════════ Nixpacks v1.13.0 ════════╗
║ setup │ nodejs-16_x, npm-9_x
║ install │ npm i
║ build │ npm run build
║ start │ npm run start