idris2-nvim copied to clipboard
Simple configuration and extra tools for NVIM + LSP + Idris2
Easy setup and extra features for the native LSP client and the Idris2 LSP server.
neovim 0.5+
(only for extra UI features)
Using packer
use {'ShinKage/idris2-nvim', requires = {'neovim/nvim-lspconfig', 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim'}}
Using vim-plug
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim'
Plug 'ShinKage/idris2-nvim'
Put this in your init.lua or any lua file that is sourced. For most people, the defaults are fine, but for advanced configuration, see below and the plugin docs.
NOTE: This is the only line of code necessary for setup, do not also add lines for nvim-lspconfig
because the server setup is already handled by the plugin.
The options shown below are the defaults. You only need to pass the keys to the setup function that you want to be changed, because the defaults are applied for keys that are not provided.
local opts = {
client = {
hover = {
use_split = false, -- Persistent split instead of popups for hover
split_size = '30%', -- Size of persistent split, if used
auto_resize_split = false, -- Should resize split to use minimum space
split_position = 'bottom', -- bottom, top, left or right
with_history = false, -- Show history of hovers instead of only last
use_as_popup = false, -- Close the split on cursor movement
server = {}, -- Options passed to lspconfig idris2 configuration
autostart_semantic = true, -- Should start and refresh semantic highlight automatically
code_action_post_hook = function(action) end, -- Function to execute after a code action is performed:
use_default_semantic_hl_groups = true, -- Set default highlight groups for semantic tokens
default_regexp_syntax = true, -- Enable default highlight groups for traditional syntax based highlighting
You can specify a setup function in your configuration at server.on_attach
in order specify any vim key bindings or options you want to only be set when connected to the Idris LSP.
local function custom_on_attach(client)
-- do things like register key bindings
require('idris2').setup({server = {on_attach = custom_on_attach}})
Code Action Hook
If you want to perform some action after the LSP completes a Code Action, you can register a hook (a function to be called when any code action is completed). For example, you may want to have the buffer written after the code action which would then trigger the LSP to re-apply semantic highlighting.
local function save_hook(action)
vim.cmd('silent write')
require('idris2').setup({code_action_post_hook = save_hook})
Your function will be called with the chosen code action as its only parameter. This action parameter has a title
and optionally an edit
. The details of these fields are defined by the Language Server Protocol, but you can use this plugin's introspect_filter()
function to quickly determine what code action was taken (see Code Action Filters for the possible return values).
local filters = require('idris2.code_action').filters
local introspect = require('idris2.code_action').introspect_filter
local function save_hook(action)
if introspect(action) == filters.MAKE_CASE
or introspect(action) == filters.MAKE_WITH then
vim.cmd('silent write')
Semantic Highlighting
The server uses the regular syntax highlight groups as defaults for semantic highlight groups, if the option use_default_semantic_hl_groups
is set to true
Some examples of custom configuration are:
vim.cmd [[highlight link LspSemantic_type Include]] -- Use the same highlight as the Include group
vim.cmd [[highlight LspSemantic_variable guifg=Gray]] -- Use gray as highlight colour
Group name | Description |
LspSemantic_variable |
Bound variables |
LspSemantic_enumMember |
Data constructors |
LspSemantic_function |
Function names |
LspSemantic_type |
Type constructors |
LspSemantic_keyword |
Keywords |
LspSemantic_namespace |
Explicit namespaces |
LspSemantic_postulate |
Postulates (believe_me , assert_total , ...) |
LspSemantic_module |
Imported modules |
Each module provides lua functions that can be mapped to any key you like. More comprehensive documentation on the API is available in the vim docs of the plugin.
vim.cmd [[nnoremap <Leader>cs <Cmd>lua require('idris2.code_action').case_split()<CR>]]
Function | Description |
show_implicits |
Show implicits in hovers |
hide_implicits |
Hide implicits in hovers |
show_machine_names |
Show machine names in hovers |
hide_machine_names |
Hide machine names in hovers |
full_namespace |
Show full namespaces in hovers |
hide_namespace |
Hide namespaces in hovers |
Function | Description |
request |
Requests semantic groups |
clear |
Clear semantic groups |
start |
Starts to automatically request semantic groups on save |
stop |
Stop automatic requests of semantic groups on save |
Function | Description |
request_all |
Open a popup with all the metavars and jump on selection |
goto_next |
Jumps to the next metavar in the buffer |
goto_prev |
Jumps to the previous metavar in the buffer |
Function | Description |
browse |
Asks the user for a namespace and returns the list of names visible in that namespace |
Function | Description |
evaluate |
Prompts for an expression that the LSP should evaluate in the context of the current file. Value can be passed also directly or via visual selection, instead of prompting, and in the latter case can be substituted directly |
Function | Description |
open_split |
Show hovers in a persistent split window, can show full history |
close_split |
Show hovers in the default popup |
Function | Description |
case_split |
Case splits a name on the LHS, applies with no confirmation |
make_case |
Replaces the metavar with a case block, applies with no confirmation |
make_with |
Replaces the metavar with a with block, applies with no confirmation |
make_lemma |
Replaces the metavar with a top-level lemma, applies with no confirmation |
add_clause |
Add a clause for a declaration, applies with no confirmation |
expr_search |
Tries to fill a metavar, produces multiple results |
generate_def |
Tries to build a complete definition for a declaration, produces multiple results |
refine_hole |
Tries to partially fill a metavar with a name |
expr_search_hints |
Same as refine_hole but asks the user for comma-separated names to give as hints |
intro |
Tries to fill a metavar, with valid constructors, produces multiple results |
The following filters are defined and can be used to categorize code actions in the code_action_post_hook
in addition to filtering which code actions the server should provide upon request.
Single code actions | split hover | show implicits toggle
Metavars popup and jump
Expression search without and with hints