Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main copied to clipboard
Animation Behavior Patching Tool
The final line of this script calls: shulit.copy2 It SHOULD read: shutil.copy2
Have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong, I get error code 2022 every time I update.
I'm Having this issue while trying to run Nemesis with 'True directional movement' box checked. It started to give me this bug message after I reinstalled the mod itself and...
ive installed everything properly. but when i open nemesis there is no checkboxes for either mod.
i can not run billys animations or pretty much any pose mods with this. It crashes without finishing every time.
Nemesis was working fine until I renamed the animations to put numbers in front of the animation folders as the video shows. From that point on when Launching Nemesis Unlimited...
Hello, i am totally despred. So i write here... I try everything included previous file on this web, reinstall skyrim... Nothing work at all and i just hope that someone...
As the title says, whenever i 'update' nemesis when i check the animationdatasinglefile.txt on temp_behaviors, it doesn't include the 'tkuc' in it. Resulting in my character dodging in place only....
ERROR(6002): An exception has occured while patching. Report to Nemesis' author immediately File: Alternate Animation Message: copy_file: A rendszer nem tal�lja a megadott el�r�si utat.: "alternate animation\alternate animation 2.script", "C:\Users\imker\AppData\Local\Nemesis\FNIS_aa.psc"...
I've been having CTDs as soon as i load a save file or start a new game