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Nemesis LE Latest Version + XP32 LE 4.72 = hangs on 99% behavior generation
Latest version of Nemesis hangs on 99% without generating fnis.esp on LE (only XP32 extended LE active) I can see it generated all other files in overwrite if I alt tab in MO2
Tried waiting for like 20 minutes but to no avail
I found it only does this if I select anything but "None" in XP32 installer.
RaceMenu/MCM/ECE all lead to 99% hang. I was able to finish run when reinstalled XP32 with "none" option.
But I don't think it's healthy :)
I have the same issue on SE. Seems like something (XPMSE) blocking files to extract. I tried with different mod setups the result was the same. I'll try manually install the generated files and see if it works but I have just a little hope. I am not a mod creator.
Facing the same issue here. Stuck at 99% no matter what.
First time using Nemesis SSE and I'm having the same problem. Plus when I try to install NET Framework 3.5, it says it can't. Is there any fix for this?
EDIT: Finally found a fix! I wasn't ale to install NEt Framework 3.5 for some reason. found this link: Scroll all the way down to the bottom where it says Steps and go from there
Where d:\ drive was the x64 Windows 10 Enterprise mounted ISO.
To run command: DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:d:\sources\sxs
Seriously hopes this helps someone else. This was a nightmare trying to figure it out
I encountered this issue as well. The Nemesis Engine generation hangs at 99%. As of this comment, I have been unable to resolve it. However, I did make some discoveries along the way which might be meaningful. Here are my methods, followed by the implications:
Validated my SSE files through Steam.
Used my mod manager (Vortex) to create a new profile and deployed with zero mods.
I saw this issue report thread immediately after googling my symptoms, so I checked on the status of .NET Framework 3.5. My Windows Feature menu actually showed .NET Framework 3.5 as enabled, but I noticed that the DotNetVersionCheck tool did not report 3.5 as installed, and neither did the NetFxCleanupTool. So I suspected an issue with my installation of NetFx 3.5. So I disabled all versions of .NET Framework via the Windows Features menu and corroborated the uninstall with DotNetVersionCheck, I tried re-enabling. Install failed, with the errors, “the file is being used by another process.” I tried 3 other different methods of installing NetFx 3.5 (online installer, offline installer, DISM via Windows iso). All install attempts failed on that same error, which is interesting because typically that means there’s still some instances actively running a .NET Framework, although I couldn’t identify any such processes using either Task Manager or ProcessExplorer.
Set the CPU affinity for the Nemesis Engine process to only a single CPU core as suggested by Shikyo on reddit:( The Nemesis Engine generation was much slower this time, but it was still stuck at 99% after a few hours.
5)I have left it running overnight twice, once with CPU affinity set to single core and once as normal.
Reinstalled Windows 10 Pro. My boot drive actually only houses my OS, with games (and all mods) stored on a separate drive. So I reinstalled Windows 10, installed all the .NET Frameworks up to current with ease, and tried running the Nemesis Engine generation again without success.
Purged all Nemesis files in between generation attempts.
Ran the Nemesis Engine utility through Vortex and directly from the executable in my game directory.
Collectively, these observations lead me to believe there is something wrong with my SSE directory. I have heard about the quirks with XPMSE. Since my game drive is the only thing that didn’t change, mod residue in my game directory is the most likely scenario. I have high confidence I will resolve the issue with a full clean install of SSE, since this is the last stone unturned so to speak. I just wanted to comment my experience here, since a more thorough search of Nemesis user experiences has revealed this issue to be a common phenomenon, and the source of the problem does not appear to be the same in all situations.
EDIT: Fixed with clean SSE install.
In my case uninstalling xpmse solved problem.
Same issue it does not complete when FNISSexyMove and/or XPMSE installed, here is the log files. PatchLog.txt UpdateLog.txt CriticalLog.txt
I debugged process nemesis under xdbg and it seems that after C51ED4:" (Check point 5, AnimData output complete)" it hangs indefinitely on qt modules almost like there is no job to be done but it did not deployed temporary files into data directory yet. Btw it is run under win 10 machine latest patch of SSE and newest nemesis version.
I'm having the same problem. Carrying files to the skyrim data folder manually and running it from there helps but when it comes to running it with xmpse just doesn't work. Puts really heavy loads to my CPU getting it to run %100 hence locking most parts of my PC while not progressing at all.