AutoSaveWorld copied to clipboard
Can we get an official statement declaring the status of this plugin?
This plugin is relied upon by many people to do some fragile things. It uses reflection, jar reinjection, saves entire Minecraft worlds whilst the server is online, allows for creating/deleting directories through FTP or remote file hosts and even includes code that can purge or regenerate entire worlds.
It's pretty important that people therefore get a final statement on this plugin. Is it abandoned? Do you not have time to continue it? Is there an alternative you recommend? Are you updating soon? Will you pass it on to someone else?
Right now it feels like AutoSaveWorld is a ticking time-bomb. A Minecraft update or new bug could cause devastating effects.
Right now i don't have time to continue it. But I do plan to return to it when i have time, but right now it is in low maintenance state, i will only quick fix serious malfunctions.
As for alternatives: modern Paper servers do save the worlds reliably, so at least world saving is usually fine. backups - you may try searching for other backup plugins, or use other separate tools for it (like it rsync) (do not forget to disable the world autosave before backup and reenable it later) automatic restart - you can always start a server in a loop in your script or use a wrapper, and just schedule stop command instead automatic crash detection - both Spigot and Paper do have that already (and Paper now does kill the main thread, so server is no longer stuck), so it is no longer needed that much anymore. plugin manager - other plugin managers exist, like PluginMan for example. scheduler - other scheduler plugins exist, some people do schedule commands using cron and rcon. data purge/world regen/system commands exec - no alternatives i know of :(
There is no ticking time bomb tho, most of the functions do depend on API methods of other plugins/libraries so they will stop working (some plugins support in purge/world regen), not break the server if anything important changes. Other parts do have fail-safes (like world save, which now uses more slower, but still working way of saving the world), The only quite dangerous function there is world regen, but it won't trigger itself, and there is a recommendation of backup up everything before you do it.
Gotchu. Thanks for replying man.
Have you considered maybe adding more people who can contribute to the GitHub repo so they can maintain it whilst you're busy? I, for one, really rely on ASW and ditching it for several different plugins would be a little annoying. Obviously though, that's not necessary right now because it's functional but I'm hoping it doesn't break in the future.
If you laid back, I want this plugin to work with 1.16.2 this plugin is non-replaceable a lot of cool feature i love this.
i'll can keep waiting.