caffe_srgan copied to clipboard
make srgan problem, caffe version
Which version of Caffe was used for the modified layers?
I tried with several versions but I can't compile my caffe with the modifications:
caffe_srgam/include/layers*.hpp ----> caffe_main/include/caffe/layers
caffe_srgam/include/solver.hpp ----> caffe_main/include/caffe/
caffe_srgam/src/layers/layers*.cpp & .cu ----> caffe_main/src/caffe/layers/
caffe_srgam/src/proto/caffe.proto ----> caffe_main/src/caffe/proto/
caffe_srgam/src/solver.cpp ----> caffe_main/src/caffe/solver.cpp
At moment to do "make all" this appears some errors with specifics layers. Without these modifications my Caffe compiles fine. Is there some missing step here?. Thanks a lot for your answers!