Shekhar Prasad Rajak
Shekhar Prasad Rajak
Thanks @lokeshh for sharing this. It look a good idea to have all the SciRuby gem example in one place. There are test cases written for almost all the chart...
run `bundle exec rspec` and you can see the coverage report at `daru-view/coverage/index.html` . By clicking on the files, we can see the lines to be tested.
coveralls gem is added to keep track the coverage report. We can check the coverage here : Need to write specs for not covered lines .
Hi @shubhankarsharma00 , Let us know what you was trying to do and got this error. You can go through the [README file]( and [contribution section](
@shubhankarsharma00 , may be some dependencies are not installed for `rbczmq`. Try `sudo apt-get install libtool-bin` (or some other dependencies) and then `sudo gem install rbczmq`. The [installation steps]( may...
I have setup the development version in different machines (Mac, Debian) following [these steps ]( I hope you have followed it.
I found a similar problem in other system and solved it using above @lokeshh's . Hopefully it will solve your issue as well @shubhankarsharma00
@snpd25 , Yes when it chart is come up we see nothing(I don't know why), but once you click inside the chart (click and drag) you will be able to...
Please paste the link, where I have to see
@snpd25 , don't see any datateime type there. Please be specific.