A-Deep-Learning-Based-Illegal-Insider-Trading-Detection-and-Prediction-Technique-in-Stock-Market icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
A-Deep-Learning-Based-Illegal-Insider-Trading-Detection-and-Prediction-Technique-in-Stock-Market copied to clipboard

Illegal insider trading of stocks is based on releasing non-public information (e.g., new product launch, quarterly financial report, acquisition or merger plan) before the information is made public....

#prediction folder contains the implementation of stock market volatility prediction using LSTM Neural Network. Keras is used as a wrapper with Tensorflow backend. #run cd prediction python run.python

#detection folder contains the implementation of anomalous time series detection using discrete signal processing. Matlab scripting language is used for the implementation. #run #open the script (deect_anomaly.m) with matlab and click the button run #from command line matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "detect_anomaly"

#litigation-classifier-and-visualizations folder contains code for huge amount of unstructered data (e.g., litigations) precessing, #classification and visualizations.