FileSystem icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FileSystem copied to clipboard

SharpGrip FileSystem is a file system abstraction supporting multiple adapters.

SharpGrip FileSystem NuGet


FileSystem [Build]

Quality Gate Status
Maintainability Rating
Reliability Rating
Security Rating


SharpGrip FileSystem is a .NET file system abstraction supporting multiple adapters.


Reference NuGet package SharpGrip.FileSystem (

For adapters other than the local file system (included in the SharpGrip.FileSystem package) please see the Supported adapters section.

Supported adapters

Adapter Package NuGet
Local adapter SharpGrip.FileSystem NuGet NuGet
AmazonS3 SharpGrip.FileSystem.Adapters.AmazonS3 NuGet NuGet
AzureBlobStorage SharpGrip.FileSystem.Adapters.AzureBlobStorage NuGet NuGet
AzureFileStorage SharpGrip.FileSystem.Adapters.AzureFileStorage NuGet NuGet
Dropbox SharpGrip.FileSystem.Adapters.Dropbox NuGet NuGet
GoogleDrive SharpGrip.FileSystem.Adapters.GoogleDrive NuGet NuGet
MicrosoftOneDrive SharpGrip.FileSystem.Adapters.MicrosoftOneDrive NuGet NuGet
SFTP SharpGrip.FileSystem.Adapters.Sftp NuGet NuGet

Supported operations

For a full list of the supported operations please see the IFileSystem interface.



var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("adapterPrefix", "adapterRootPath")

// Instantiation option 1.
var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

// Instantiation option 2.
var fileSystem = new FileSystem();
fileSystem.Adapters = adapters;

Local adapter

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local1", "/var/files"),
    new LocalAdapter("local2", "D:\\Files")

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

AmazonS3 adapter

// Amazon connection.
var amazonClient = new AmazonS3Client("awsAccessKeyId", "awsSecretAccessKey", RegionEndpoint.USEast2);

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new AmazonS3Adapter("amazon", "/Files", amazonClient, "bucketName")

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

AzureBlobStorage adapter

// Azure connection.
var blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient("connectionString");
var azureClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("blobContainerName");

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new AzureBlobStorageAdapter("azure", "/Files", azureClient)

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

AzureFileStorage adapter

// Azure connection.
var azureClient = new ShareClient("connectionString", "shareName");

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new AzureFileStorageAdapter("azure", "/Files", azureClient)

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

Dropbox adapter

// Dropbox connection.
var dropboxClient = new DropboxClient("oAuth2AccessToken");

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new DropboxAdapter("dropbox", "/Files", dropboxClient)

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

GoogleDrive adapter

// Google connection.
await using var stream = new FileStream("path/to/credentials.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
const string tokenPath = "path/to/token/directory";
var credential = await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
    (await GoogleClientSecrets.FromStreamAsync(stream)).Secrets,
    new[] {DriveService.Scope.Drive},
    new FileDataStore(tokenPath, true));

var googleDriveClient = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
    HttpClientInitializer = credential,
    ApplicationName = "Test"

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new GoogleDriveAdapter("google-drive", "/Files", googleDriveClient)

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

MicrosoftOneDrive adapter

// Microsoft connection.
var scopes = new[] {""};
var tenantId = "tenantId";
var confidentialClient = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
var oneDriveClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(async requestMessage =>
        var authResult = await confidentialClient.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes).ExecuteAsync();
        requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authResult.AccessToken);

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new MicrosoftOneDriveAdapter("onedrive", "/Files", oneDriveClient, "driveId")

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

SFTP adapter

// SFTP connection.
var privateKeyFile = new PrivateKeyFile("/home/userName/.ssh/id_rsa");
var privateKeyAuthenticationMethod = new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod("userName", privateKeyFile);
var sftpConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo("hostName", "userName", privateKeyAuthenticationMethod);
var sftpClient = new SftpClient(sftpConnectionInfo);

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new SftpAdapter("sftp", "/var/files", sftpClient)

var fileSystem = new FileSystem(adapters);

Example operations

// Azure connection.
var azureClient = new ShareClient("connectionString", "shareName");

// Dropbox connection.
var dropboxClient = new DropboxClient("oAuth2AccessToken");

var adapters = new List<IAdapter>
    new LocalAdapter("local", "/var/files"),
    new AzureFileStorageAdapter("azure", "/Files", azureClient),
    new DropboxAdapter("dropbox", "/Files", dropboxClient)

// Copies a file from the `local` adapter to the `azure` adapter.
await fileSystem.CopyFileAsync("local://foo/bar.txt", "azure://bar/foo.txt");

// Moves a file from the `azure` adapter to the `dropbox` adapter.
await fileSystem.MoveFileAsync("azure://Foo/Bar.txt", "dropbox://Bar/Foo.txt");

// Writes string contents to the `azure` adapter.
await fileSystem.WriteFileAsync("azure://Foo.txt", "Bar!");

// Reads a text file from the `dropbox` adapter.
var contents = fileSystem.ReadTextFileAsync("dropbox://Foo.txt");