svelte-swipe icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svelte-swipe copied to clipboard

Svelte Swipe with zero dependencies :fire: :boom:

Svelte Swipe

English / Korean / 简体中文

Swipable items wrapper component for Svelte :fire: :boom: (zero dependencies)

🚀See it in Action


npm i -D svelte-swipe



  import { Swipe, SwipeItem } from "svelte-swipe";

  const swipeConfig = {
    autoplay: false,
    delay: 2000,
    showIndicators: true,
    transitionDuration: 1000,
    defaultIndex: 0,

    height: 30vh;
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

<div class="swipe-holder">
  <Swipe {...swipeConfig}>
      <img src="./images/1.jpg" alt="">

      <img src="./images/2.jpg" alt="">

      <img src="./images/3.jpg" alt="">

      <img src="./images/4.jpg" alt="">

Supports Dynamic height (from child) 🔥

  let swipe_holder_height = 0;

  function heightChanged({detail}) {
    swipe_holder_height = detail.height;


<div class="swipe-holder" style="height:{swipe_holder_height}px">
  <Swipe bind:active_item>
    {#each items as item, i}
        active={active_item == i}

Supports Infinite swipe 🔥

<div class="swipe-holder" style="height:{swipe_holder_height}px">
  <Swipe bind:active_item>
    {#each items as item, i}
        active={active_item == i}

Vertical Swipe 🔥

<div class="swipe-holder">
  <Swipe is_vertical={true}>

Pointer event inside Swipe Item



<div class="swipe-holder">
        <button class="has-pointer-event" on:click={sayHi}>Say Hi</button>

Programmatically change slides

  let SwipeComp;

  function nextSlide(){

  function prevSlide(){

<div class="swipe-holder">
  <Swipe bind:this={SwipeComp}>
<div class="buttons-holder">
  <button type="button" on:click={prevSlide}>Prev</button>
  <button type="button" on:click={nextSlide}>Next</button>

Supports custom thumbnail

🚀See example with custom thumbnail

  let SwipeComp;

  function changeSlide(i){

<div class="swipe-holder">
  <Swipe bind:this={SwipeComp}>

Default css custom properties

    --sv-swipe-panel-height: inherit;
    --sv-swipe-panel-width: inherit;
    --sv-swipe-panel-wrapper-index: 2;
    --sv-swipe-indicator-active-color: grey;
    --sv-swipe-handler-top: 0px;


Name Type Description Required Default
is_vertical Boolean allow swipe items vertically No false
autoplay Boolean Play items as slide No false
showIndicators Boolean appears clickable circle indicators bottom center of item No false
transitionDuration Number staying duration of per slide/swipe item No 200 *ms
delay Number transition delay No 1000 *ms
defaultIndex Number initial item index No 0
allow_dynamic_height Boolean allow firing height change event on:swipe_item_height_change No false
allow_infinite_swipe Boolean allow swipe items infinitely No false
active Boolean fire height change event No false


Name Description Component
on:change fires on swipe-end with with holding detail active_item, swipe_direction and active_element Swipe
on:swipe_item_height_change fires on swipe-end with holding child's current height detail SwipeItem

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