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Request push notification permission for Android 13

Open nilsreichardt opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Android 13 requires apps to request permission to send push notifications, similar as iOS does it. Therefore, we need to adjust the requestIOSPermissions method and add the ask for push notifications permissions screen into the onboarding for Android 13 devices.

nilsreichardt avatar Jun 14 '22 19:06 nilsreichardt

We need to update Firebase:

nilsreichardt avatar Aug 25 '22 17:08 nilsreichardt

We need to update Firebase: firebase/flutterfire#9348

@nilsreichardt We're still not on an up-to-date version where we can request the permissions, are we?

Jonas-Sander avatar Jan 04 '23 13:01 Jonas-Sander

We're still not on an up-to-date version where we can request the permissions, are we?

Yeah, correct. Updating to the newest Firebase is not that straightforward. However, it's already on my roadmap because it's required for flavors on macOS and web

nilsreichardt avatar Jan 04 '23 13:01 nilsreichardt